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I can't believe it's the end already. Also this is what Jinwoo looks like

Soonyoung looked at himself in the mirror, staring at the tie that he had managed to somehow tangle itself up

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Soonyoung looked at himself in the mirror, staring at the tie that he had managed to somehow tangle itself up. He huffed in annoyance as he tried to fix the tie, but it was no use. Soonyoung was really wishing he had asked his dad to teach him how to do a tie beforehand.

His heavy footsteps were to be the only thing heard throughout the room as he paced back and forth the room nervously, bringing his hand up to his mouth and slightly chewing the nails out of a nervous habit. Soonyoung ran his hand through his hair bringing the sweat dripping from his forehead up into his hair, messing it up completely. All the hard work that Jeonghan had put into it was now thrown out of the window. He threw his tie off and onto the floor instead.

The door made a loud squeaky sound as it was being opened up slowly. Jinwoo had a grimace on his face from the sound and awkwardly pushed his head through the gap. Soonyoung didn't seem to notice the fourteen, now going on fifteen, year old boy standing in the doorway.

"You're a mess," Jinwoo shook his head. Soonyoung jumped up into the air from the sudden noise, clutching his heart as if he just had a heart attack. He turned around and looked at his son. Jinwoo was wearing an all white tux with white leather shoes. Instead of having the grooms where black tuxes (along with the guests), Jihoon and Soonyoung suggested that they all wear colourful suits.

Soonyoung let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you were someone else," He said and plastered a fake grin on his face. He didn't want Jinwoo to see how stressed he really was.

Jinwoo shook his head. "Are you nervous?" He asked and closed the door behind him. He walked over towards his father and now stood next to him. Soonyoung was shocked at just how much taller Jinwoo had gotten recently, he was only a couple inches shorter than Soonyoung.

Soonyoung gulped, "Of course I'm nervous. How can I not be? I'm marrying the love of my life after eight years of being together. Everything could go wrong though, I could say the wrong thing, I could accidentally say 'I don't' instead of 'I do', heck maybe even one of the lights can fall on my head!" He exclaimed and sat down on the cream leather chair. He buried his head in his hands.

Jinwoo smiled, "don't forget you're stressing over a tie," He laughed and held up the tie that Soonyoung had previously thrown to the floor. "You realise Jihoon isn't even wearing a tie, right? None of your friends are."

The older boy groaned. "Are you shitting me right now?"

Jinwoo rolled his eyes and sat down in the chair opposite his father. "Look, you have nothing to be nervous about. You both want this-"

"But what if he doesn't? What if he said yes because he was nervous? He might've changed his mind and is planning to say no. Oh god, what if he says no? In front of everyone."

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