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4K?!? Wtf y'all... do you guys want anyone else for it?

Y'all should also go read doublebbam 's books because hOT DAMN 😫😍👌🏻💦💯🍆

"Dad! Daddy!" Jinwoo shouted from his bedroom upstairs. Soonyoung and Jihoon both collectively groaned from the sofa and untangled their limbs from each other.

It had been three weeks since they adopted Jinwoo, it was a lot more work than they had first expected. After they would both finish a hard day of work which both contained dancing and composing, picking Jinwoo up from school and seeing the bright smile on his face was the highlight of the couple's day. Sometimes he was hard to deal with because of his almost constant hyper mood, but recently he's been tiring down very easily so that was a relief.

Jinwoo has also stopped calling Jihoon "Mum" and "Mummy" once he realised that having two dads was an okay thing. He had chosen to call Soonyoung "dad" and Jihoon "daddy."

"What could he want now?" Soonyoung wined and covered his eyes with his hands dramatically. "I only just put him to bed."

Jihoon shrugged and pressed a soft kiss onto his childish boyfriend's lips, almost immediately having Soonyoung's mood improve. "Let's just go see what he needs," Jihoon offered him a smile as he stood up. He held out a hand, waiting for Soonyoung to take it. Soonyoung huffed and stood up, grabbing the hand and heading up stairs.

The door to Jinwon's room had a blue name tag on the top along with stickers of monsters plastered all along it. They entered the room and saw Jinwoo jumping up and down on his bed, excitedly. Soonyoung smiled at the cute sight while Jihoon was panicking.

"Jinwoo!" He shouted. "Stop it! You might hurt yourself," Jihoon said, expressing his concern with his tone of voice. Jinwoo threw himself down to the bed and sat with his legs crossed. Soonyoung lifted his hand up for a high-five, which Jinwoo returned.

Soonyoung climbed over into Jinwoo's right side of the bed while Jihoon took the left side (Jinwoo had requested for a double bed so he could "cuddle" with his parents). "So, what did you need us for?" Soonyoung asked sweetly and nestled his head down onto the pillow, putting one of his hand's through Jinwoo's hair.

"I wanted to see my daddies~" He sang and tried to snuggle up with the two. "You know these kids were talking to me today, they were saying how their parents had met, their dates and stuff like that. I wanted to know what your first date was."

Soonyoung and Jihoon both shot their heads up to look each other in the eyes and started laughing. Their first date was both cheesy and wonderful, it was a memory they both could never forget. Jihoon decided to speak up. "Well, your dad and I both decided that we wanted to play some games."

"Oh! What kind of games?" Jinwoo questioned, already intrigued in the story. Soonyoung tickled his son's stomach. Jinwoo started giggling when Jihoon decided to join in as well. He kicked his legs and tried to cover his stomach.

After a minute, Soonyoung stopped tickling him and Jihoon decided to as well. "Do you remember the arcade?" Soonyoung questioned him.

"Of course I do! It as so much fun, can we go again?"

Jihoon laughed. "We will soon, don't worry." He assured the boy. "But that arcade is where we had our first date."

"Can you tell me about it?" Jinwoo's eyes lit up, wanting to hear all about how amazing it was for his parents.

"I'm not sure... it's your bedtime, mister," Soonyoung teased him. Jinwoo started frowning and his eyes were filling with tears. Jihoon sent Soonyoung a panicked look and started making a smashing motion on his neck.

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