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Jihoon sighed as he turned off his phone. Maybe he shouldn't be so straight forward with the boy, he could tell Soonyoung was getting very uncomfortable with all the teasing and "flirting".

He did feel bad for the older boy, all his friends were constantly teasing him and it seems that he just needed some alone time.

Currently, Jihoon walking down a trail towards his favourite river. The boy didn't get to go there often unfortunately, he was way too busy producing songs then selling them off to other companies.

He enjoyed laying down on the stones as he stares up at the sky, sometimes the tall trees coming into view. Now that it was winter as well, the leaves were started to fall off, making the trees look quite scary. As if the tree was about to come alive, like it was out of a shitty horror movie.

Jihoon would also sometimes take his shoes off and place his feet in the water when it would get too hot. Once again however, he couldn't do so because it was getting colder and colder every day.

The trail had ended and he turned slightly towards the right. He was about to walk forward again until he heard a loud yelp and a splash, coming from the river's direction.

Jihoon's eyes widened and he was unsure of what to do. Should he go check it out? Should he run will he still can? Call someone for help?

He was panicking and couldn't make his mind up. It took him a moment to decide what he was going to do, he was going to go check it out.

The boy started sprinting towards the river, trying to avoid all of the fallen trees and stingy nettles that were in his way.

He finally reached the river but there was no sign of anyone there, that was until he noticed a big fluffy blanket was placed down on the stoned floor. Jihoon started freaking out and ran towards the wall.

There was a bright mass of orange hair that you could see from where he was originally standing. He started thinking of just who it could really be...

He reached the wall and saw the body sinking down and about to be pulled away by the current, luckily enough his hand was still poking out from the water. Jihoon wasted no time.

Quickly grabbing onto the hand, he made sure he was stable on the floor so he wouldn't fall in alongside the person. As he started lifting him higher and higher, he noticed that it was indeed who he thought it was. Kwon Soonyoung.

He started freaking out even more and pulled harder, trying his absolute best to get the boy out.

He was halfway out when Jihoon noticed that Soonyoung had his eyes barely open, but still trying his best to get up. Jihoon yanked him up and managed to pull him up onto the wall. He sighed in relief when he was finally safe.

Soonyoung was shaking, his lips were blue and he had goosebumps covering his arms. Jihoon didn't know what to do, the boy was freezing. He quickly got up and ran towards Soonyoung's big fluffy blanket, then bringing it over and wrapping it around the cold and wet boy.

"Soonyoung? A-are you awake?" Jihoon asked while stuttering, he was a mess right now and felt really emotional looking at Soonyoung, who was lying in between Jihoon's legs.

"I-I a-am." He responded, it was barely a whisper.

"Fuck." Jihoon ran a hand through his hair and paled. He started thinking of things he could do. It's not as if he could carry Soonyoung, he maybe strong but he wasn't that strong. He also couldn't force the boy to walk all the way to his place, not in his condition.

They could ring Seungcheol, but Jihoon knew how much he hated being interrupted during his time with Chan. Well too bad for him, it's an emergency.

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