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The beginning of the song began. They all lifted their arms high up into the air and started clapping along to the beat. The sound of the in sync clapping becoming louder than the song itself.

They slowly slid both of their hands down their torsos and grabbed the top of their sweatpants. Moving their hips along to the music, they watched themselves in the mirror to make sure they were doing it correctly. They popped their heads to the beat.

Then while lifting their arms and bringing them from each side, they also started lifting their one leg with it.

They did body rolls but not too forcefully, making their arms look more natural by moving them along with the movement of their torso.

The four boys moved to the back of the room while 8 other people went up to the front. They were waiting for their turn to finally be over.

The trainers squeaking against the wooden floor of the dance studio could barely be heard over the booming music blasting from the speaker. Sweat was smelt throughout the room, flinging off of their bodies as they move to the music and the body fluids drenching their clothing after a two hours of practicing.

The music currently being played loudly in the large dance studio was Bang Bang Bang by BIGBANG.

When it was Seungri's part, Soonyoung moved right to the front. He started popping his body to the beat as the dancers behind him did the exact same thing while moving into different directions. The male could've sworn he felt the stares of someone on him.

Kwon Soonyoung was moving fluently to the song. His three friends were also dancing with him and so were some others that attended the dance class. The dance class had many talented people in there, with Soonyoung, Junhui, Minghao, Chan and Hoseok being the best.

They all moved swiftly together, making barely any mistakes as they went through the song almost perfectly. Soonyoung smiled at the boys to encourage them and continued focusing on dancing. He really loved to watch them dance, he found it so interesting. Chan moved sharply whenever he danced. Minghao and Junhui would always move swiftly.

It moved onto the chorus now and Junhui, Minghao, Chan and Hoseok all joined in at the front while everyone else went behind them.

They lifted their right arm up into the air while turning slightly to the side. While waving it back and forth, they pushed their body forward along with it and bending their knee's slightly.

Soonyoung turned towards the door after sensing someone was intensely staring into the room. He squinted his eyes slightly to get a better look and saw a boy leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest.

The orange haired male felt like the boy was looking straight at him, sadly he couldn't see all that well. He opted to trying to ignore the stares of the boy.

They switched sides and lifted their left hands instead, repeating the same action as last time. He looked over at the boys and saw them all concentrating greatly on the dance.

Soonyoung felt a sense of pride for the boys.

After the chorus, they moved onto Daesung's part (which Junhui was dancing to) and the female dancers all came up, surrounding him as part of the choreography.

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