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~3 years later~

They debuted three years ago. Ever since then, they've mad music, dances, toured around the world and many other things. PLEDIS revealed to the public that everyone in Seventeen was in a relationship with either someone in the band or outside of it. Some people decided to stop liking them purely for this reason, but most stayed with them for the journey.

Recently, all of the band members had been talking about starting families as they all had now ended their contract with PLEDIS. As much as they loved to meet their fans, they loved their normal lives more. Soonyoung never thought he would ever want to teach lessons in his dance studio again.

Life went back to normal after they all left. Soonyoung, Junhui, Minghao and Chan all opened up a huge building and hired many other people. Not only did it include dancing, it included sports. It was like a leisure centre. All four of the boys would help teach the dance classes because of how many kids would show up (they were all still wondering if it was because they use to be in Seventeen or people just wanted to dance).

Seungcheol, Wonwoo, Mingyu and Hansol would still make songs together and release them on alone. However, they wouldn't be doing any tours or fan meets.

Seungkwan and Seokmin became very involved with theatre, both loving to act and their vocal ranges being perfect for the songs.

Jeonghan and Jisoo both decided to open up their own daycare centre after both discovering how much they loved the small children.

And Jihoon, he continued to make amazing songs and sell them to other artists. He had also become one of the official writers for the famous company, JYP. Jihoon got to see the group Got7 once again after son finding out that they were all a popular group underneath JYP.

Even Hyuna had made quite a name for herself. She became a role model for women and turned out to be an amazing singer.

But back to starting families. Recently, Jeonghan and Jisoo has adopted their own child that was from their daycare. His mother unfortunately passed away and there was no one else to care for him, so the two boys took him in without any second thoughts. The little boy's name was Taehyung. That was five months ago.

Junhui and Minghao had even adopted a little newborn baby, called Jungkook. He was one of the most adorable things to walk this Earth. Hansol and Seungkwan had gotten their own child called Rosé, Seungcheol and Chan adopted one called Jimin. Heck, even Seokmin and Hyuna were having a child.

"Get back here, Tae!" Jeonghan shouted as he chased after his five year old son. The young boy was running around the house, refusing to put his clothes on instead of his pyjamas.

Soonyoung entered the house without knocking and saw Taehyung running straight for him. "Uncle Soonie!" He shouted in glee, excited to see him. Soonyoung smiled and picked the boy up into his arms, Taehyung giggled when the older started tickling his sides .

"You alright, Taetae?" Soonyoung asked after placing the boy back down on the floor. "Hey , Jeonghan."

"Hey, Soonyoung. Tae just put them on!" Jeonghan practically screeched. Soonyoung covered his ears. "I give up," he sighed, throwing the clothing down onto the sofa. Soonyoung walked over to him and sat down. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"But you saw me yesterday?"

"Haven't seen you since yesterday," Jeonghan replied bluntly, causing Soonyoung to laugh loudly. Taehyung was currently running around the house pretending to be an aeroplane. "Don't ever get kids," Jeonghan groaned and threw his head back fro mine amount of stress weighing down on his shoulders.

Soonyoung chuckled nervously. "Well, about that," Jeonghan shot his head right back up to look at Soonyoung. "We've talked about it, and he said whenever I'm ready to, we can have one."

"I retract my statement, get a child," Jeonghan encouraged him. "I know it seems like hard work, but you won't ever regret it. I'll never regret the day Jisoo and I agreed to take in Tae."

"Do you think I'm ready to be a father? I'm not sure, I act like a child myself," Soonyoung mumbled and played with his fingers, looking down at his lap. He was still so unsure to what he should do. "Maybe we should wait a little longer."

Jeonghan shook his head. "Nope, get one now. If you keep putting this off, you'll fear it even more. Who cares if you still act like a child? That'll just make you two even closer." Jeonghan tried to convince him.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

Soonyoung looked up at him and smiled. "Maybe I am ready."


"Jihoon? Can we talk?" Soonyoung said while entering their house. He walked into the living room and saw Jihoon sat there with a blanket wrapped tightly around his body as he watched Spongebob. "I'm not even gonna ask."

"Actually," Jihoon began. "I want to talk as well. I was hoping we could talk about y-you know..."

Soonyoung titled his head in confusion. "I know?" Jihoon nodded. "I'm lost."

"Adopting a child!" Jihoon shouted and lightly pushed him on the chest. "I think we should. We've waited three years and all of our friends have a kid. They all seem so happy!"

"You're not happy?"

"What the fuck? I'm happier than those French sticks, but imagine having a little child run around the place, playing with Bobby," Jihoon snuggled into Soonyoung's side affectionately. "I've been thinking about it for a while, actually."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about as well, I think we should adopt a kid."

"What a relief," Jihoon sighed. "Because I've already chosen the child and set up the bedroom."

"What! So you already chose everything?" Soonyoung asked in disbelief. He couldn't believe that his boyfriend had already chosen the child and set up the room. "You must be eager."

"I've wanted this for a while."


"We're here to pick up Jinwoo?" Jihoon said to the lady. She nodded and rang the phone, asking for someone to bring him down.

Soonyoung's palms started sweating as he became more and more nervous to see the kid. "You'll be an amazing father, don't sweat it." Jihoon whispered in his ear reassuringly.

They waited another minute or so as Jihoon and Soonyoung both signed the adoption forms. Jihoon has actually been to visit Jinwoo a few times behind Soonyoung's back, Jihoon had been planning the adoption for quite a while actually. Eventually, a woman walked down the stairs holding the hand of a black haired child. He was holding a brown teddy bear close to his chest, looking around the room nervously.

Jinwoo's eyes wandered the room until they eventually fell on Jihoon, he let go of the woman's hand and ran straight for Jihoon. The woman carried his luggage over to the couple and Soonyoung thanked her.

"Jihoon! Are you two my new parents?" Jinwoo asked cutely as Jihoon picked him up.

Jihoon nodded. "This is Soonyoung. We're your new parents, Jinwoo. Are you okay with that?" He asked softly with a hint of sweetness in his tone. Soonyoung was practically giggling at how nice Jihoon was being right now.

Jinwoo nodded eagerly. "You're Daddy," He pointed to Soonyoung. "You're mummy!"

"No sweetie, it doesn't work like that. I'm a guy-"

"Mummy!" Jinwoo whined and Soonyoung couldn't help but laugh loudly when he saw Jihoon's eye twitching. "When are we going, mum and dad?"

Jihoon sighed. "He's gonna be such a handful."

"I love him already." Soonyoung cooed

(A/n) I might do a lot of chapters of Soonhoon with their child? Idk, I think it would be interesting but I'll let you guys decide. Yes Jinwoo is Jinwoo from Winner.

Well anyway

Toodles my doods!
- Ellie

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