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If you are not comfortable with this type of content, please wait until chapter 17

Y'all deserved a double update tonight so, Chapter 15 And 16 are the new ones.

"Honey I'm home!" Soonyoung screamed jokingly as he shut the door to his house. Whilst placing his bag full of dirty clothes down to the ground, he slipped his shoes off of his feet. The boy heard footsteps making their way down the wooden steps and coming straight towards him.

"Hey, sometimes I wonder if you realise that this is just your house, not mine."Jihoon while pecking the cheek of his boyfriend whilst giggling. Soonyoung cooed at how cute Jihoon was being right now. He was wearing a pastel pink jumper that reach to his mid-thighs, the sleeves of the sweater covering his hands and a pair of black skinny jeans on. His hair made it look like the boy had only just woken up. "How was your class today? Also I told you to stop slamming the door you fucktard." Jihoon slapped his arm.

"Ow!" Soonyoung yelped at the sudden slap on his arm, the skin there now turning red. "A lot better than last time." The elder chuckled. "What about your day?" Soonyoung asked in return.

"Exhausting." Jihoon groaned. Soonyoung pulled his younger boyfriend by his hand and dragged him over to the sofa situated in front of the television. "Fuck everyone, except you. You're the only person I can tolerate at this point."

"Why's that?" Soonyoung wondered. He sat down on the sofa and pulled Jihoon down with him. Automatically, the red haired male lied back onto the sofa dramatically, placing his arm over his eyes.

"Seungkwan. He would not stop talking to me! He was constantly on about his dipshit boyfriend. Hansol this, Hansol that. No one cares!" Jihoon exclaimed loudly, even though Seungkwan was no where near them.

Soonyoung giggled at his boyfriends response. "What did he say about Hansol?"

"T-things, nothing important." Jihoon stuttered. Soonyoung smirked, immediately knowing that he was hiding something.

"Oh really?" He quirked an eyebrow, Jihoon looked up and nodded his head. "What did he say, Jihoon?" Soonyoung challenged, drawing closer and closer to his boyfriend who was still lying down.

"It was nothing important." Jihoon mumbled out quickly, clearly wanting to avoid talking about it. He started playing with his fingers and shifting his glance all around the room after removing his arm from his eyes.

"I think it is important if it's making you act all shy."


"Come on, Jihoonie!"

"He was talking about having sex with Hansol!" Jihoon's eyes widened and he slapped a hand over his mouth after realising what he had blurted out.

Soonyoung tilted his head. "What's so wrong with that?" He quizzed the younger.

"Because..." Jihoon began to say, still not bothering to look Soonyoung in the eyes out of pure embarrassment. "We still haven't done anything, it was really awkward for me to talk about it. We've waited for ages." He whispered quietly, praying to God that he didn't hear it.

"Jihoon, I thought you wanted to wait?"

"I did." Jihoon answered his boyfriend's question. He pulled Soonyoung down by the collar of his shirt. "But now, I'm ready."

"Jihoon, I don't want you to have to rush yourself because you think I'm desperate for this. I'll always wait until you're ready. God, I could wait another fifty years and I'd be okay with that! As long as I got to spend all that time with you by my side." Soonyoung said and ran a hand down Jihoon's cheek, assuring him that it was okay.

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