Chapter twenty two

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AN/ This will be interesting. Incase you were wondering no the boys don't have their real life girlfriends.AN/ This will be interesting. Incase you were wondering no the boys don't have their real life girlfriends. I <3 Ed Sheeran so he shall be added in the next few chappies. Time for the reading.

Day Two

McLin's P.O.V.

Me and this Sophia girl who was really fit were taken to a tent.

"So hi I'm Sophia,"

"Mclin," I nodded.

"Okayyy," she looked nervous.

"Your hot," I said catching her off guard.

"You too," she scooted closer to me.

I kissed her startling her but she soon kissed back. Soon we were fully making out. I heard the tent flap open and Reilly burst in covered in mud and tears were pouring down her face. We broke away quickly.

What happened?" Sophia looked concerned.

"C-Colten," was all she could manage.

"It's okay just tell me," Sophia was hugging Reilly tightly while I sat there stunned.

When she finally calmed down she said," last year he tried to date my best friend Camden and he broke her then he tried to kiss me." She was shaking.

"Why are you muddy?" I asked.

"H-he pushed me," she stuttered.

"Let's get back we can get you cleaned up," Sophia helped her up but she was limping so Sophia put her arm around Reilly's waist," why are you limping?"

"When he pushed me,might be twisted," she grimaced.

We slowly walked back to camp. When we got back Sophie took Reilly over to infirmary. I went to make sure we were recorded as being found then set out to find this stupid Colten. When I found him I backed him up to the wall.

"What was that!" I yelled and punched him," why would you do that to her!"

"Your sure one to talk I remember seeing you making out with the girl you had just met and know nothing about," he smirked. Before I could react he punched me in the jaw and I started seeing black spots. He punched me again and I tasted blood. After another punch my vision went black. The last thing I heard was his sick laughter.

Camden's P.O.V.

Me and Niall are seeking together yay!

"Yay?" He asked.

"I said that out loud?" He nodded and I hit myself in the face.

"Don't do that you'll mess up your pretty face," he frowned.

"I love you," I smiled.

"First clue says Katniss," he laughed.


"It's archery. We went down there and Lou screamed I'm Katniss," he grinned. We walked to the top of the hill.

"Let's roll down," I suggested.

"Let's do it!" We rolled down and when we got to the bottom I giggled at his hair then reached over to fix it.

"Check the bows," I instructed. After searching we found a slip of paper that said four squares and a ball.

"I know were that is it's by your cabin," we ran over to the boys side of camp to the four square area. In a canoe (idk how to spell) was a note that said walk to your death in the trees.

"Any idea on this one," Nialler turned to me.

" there's a lofted deer stand at the beginning of the death hike," I said," follow me,"

We walked down a long trail until we came to a big field. On the edge was a deer stand. When me climbed the ladder we found Abi and Hanna sitting and doing nothing.

"Hi we have come to your rescue!" My Irish said dramatically.

"Come on lovebirds let's get out of here," Abi rolled her eyes.

We went back slowly then signed in and went to find our friends.

Harry's P.O.V.

I was with Isabella. We had our first clue which said score!

"Maybe the football fields?" Harry asked.

"Yeh let's try the SOCCER fields," I teased. We found a piece of paper tied to the goal.

"Over the hills," I read.

"Those hills right over there!" Harry shouted and we ran over there.

"Bang goes the gun," Harry read," riflery"

While we were walking I decided to ask her.

"Will you go out with me?" I asked.

"Harry I like you a lot but I've had my heart broken to many times. Once you prove to me that you aren't like them I'll say yes but not now?" She looked at me sadly.

I will prove to her I'm not like them even if it kills me.

When we got there we found Louis and Belle sitting on the platform playing ninja.

"Boo!" We yelled making them jump.

"Yay we have been rescued!" Lou jumped up.

Liam's P.O.V.

"What do you like to do Anna?" I asked while we were hiding in the old barn.

"Well I like pranks, Disney, and My Little Pony," she said in a childish voice.

"I love Disney too! What's your favorite movie?" She had gotten me excited.

"Lion King," she said after thinking for a while.

"Me too!" We were like the same person.

"Hakuna Matata!" We both started singing. After singing for awhile I finally got up the guts," will you Anna give me the pleasure of being your boyfriend?"

"Yes," she smiled and hugged me. For the next maybe hour we just cuddled.

"Dawwww," I heard and took my eyes off Anna to see Ashlyn smiling," your both so cute!"

"Liam's got a girl," Zayn teased.

"Shut it," I snapped but he knew I wasn't really mad.

Reilly's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the infirmary after Sophia had left and suddenly Harry bust in carrying an unconscious boy with blood covering his face and his nose seemed to be broken. I saw his Aggies hat and knew immediately who it was. What happened to McLin? He was perfectly fine earlier. Then it hit me and my blood ran cold. Colten.

"Help please somebody he's knocked out!" Harry yelled and I tried to stand up to help but my twisted ankle wouldn't let me.

"Reilly why are you here? Never mind where's the nurse?" Harry asked.

At that moment she came in and Harry set McLin down on the table. The nurse went to work on trying to fix him up.

After awhile I was allowed to go so I stood up and went to find everyone. When I found them I told them what happened and Camden looked scared so Niall held her closer.

"Go eat results will be announced after dinner," Collin called and we all rushed into line.

AN/ that was a big one. I think we all need a breather after that. I'm not sure if anyone reads the authors notes so if you do comment your favorite couple in the book so far and their ship name. They don't even have to be dating.

Vote comment swim with me


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