Chapter twenty one

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AN/I'm on a road trip well a short half hour one. Yay. I'm also wearing an awesomesauce shirt. I'm not telling what it is yet because I'm adding it into the story.I must go!!!

Day two

Harry's P.O.V.

I drew five and searcher. I ran over to five to find Lou and Isabella already there.


"Boobear!" We hugged.

"Hi Isabella," I said to her. I like how her hair I'd always in pigtails and she dresses like she doesn't care but it only makes her more beautiful. I don't know why I suddenly think this about her. I've always gone for the 'hot' girls, the ones everyone chased but she's not one of those girls and that's lovely.

"Hello Harry," she replied.

"Hi," a small girl with short blonde hair above her shoulders and brown eyes. She seemed younger probably fourteen," I'm Annabelle don't call me Belle."

"Hey Belle," she narrowed her eyes at me," I'm Harry and this is Louis."

"As in Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson?" I nodded," I'm a fan,"

"Thank you Annabelle and I am not Louis I am Jennifer!" Louis yelled and we all laughed.

"Nice to meet a fan your the first to recognize us," I smiled," I think we should be best friends forever I'll give you my number when we get back you too Isabella."

"What about me!" Lou frowned.

"You already have it stop being greedy," I grinned and Lou pouted.

"So whose searcher?" Isabella asked.

"Me," I raised my hand.

"Have fun being stuck losers," Isabella laughed.

Then Collin called for the hiders and Lou and Belle went over to him.

Hanna's P.O.V.

Collin called for the hidden and I walked over to him. I was in a group with Abi, Camden, and Niall. Me and Abi were together.

"He explained what would happen then he took a few groups out. After about ten minutes he called for Abi and I. He lead us over to a lady who I think was the nurse. She led us to a deer stand off into the woods somewhere.

"Stay here until either they find you or the bell rings. Don't cheat. Cheaters get thrown in the lake," she waved and left us to sit in the elevated stand with nothing to do.

"Soooo what do you do?" I asked Abi.

"Well I'm nineteen and I graduated high school last year and this year I went to a one year music college thingy at State. So I guess I like to sing," she shrugged.

"I play soccer. I'm not sure why because I'm so small but I'm good I guess. I'm seventeen and I just graduated," I told her.

Reilly's P.O.V.

I was in a group with me, a girl named Sophia I had met the year before, McLin who was an annoying guy who was way to obsessed with Texas A&M, and Colten(ugh).

I'm searching with who?" I asked.

"Me," Colten smirked running his hand through his stupid curly hair. Gah I hate him!

A few minutes later me and it( I'm calling him it) had got our first clue and our map and had set of.

"I hate you and I'm not even going to pretend so just don't talk to me more than you need to," I was aggravated," so it says a hole of vipers."

"What's that?"

"I think it's the snake pit," I replied.

We ran down the path to the snake pit. In the muddy water was a bottle.

"Your getting it," I said quickly.

"Nope!" He pushed me in destroying my clothes.

"I hate you!" I growled.

"Just get it," he chuckled but I did as he said.

"It's a slip of paper," I held it up," I hate you!" I pushed him hard not playfully.

"I hate you too now it says up high in the trees," he readjusted his stupid hat.

"Ropes now let's go, also go to heck!" I screamed letting all my anger out," she let you in and you broke her,"

I ran off to the ropes coarse.

"Hey Reilly it was an accident, also your so much prettier then her," he caught up to me.

He grabbed me and tried to kiss me. Before he could I slapped him and he staggered backwards.

"Your a dirty player! How could you do such a thing! She put her faith in you and you broke her and now you expect me to go for you just because you tried to kiss me!" I was bursting with anger. I ran over to a sheet of paper hanging from the zip line. I ripped it off the line and it said 132f 23 L. I know this I don't need that piece of dirt. It meant to go forward 132 feet and then 23 to the left. There was an arrow on the ground determining were forwards was. I quickly ran 132 steps then I came to a tent and opened up the find Sophie and McLin making out.

AN/ so that was an interesting chapter. I introduced Belle who is bookloverforlife123 and Sophie who is _queued and I added Colten who I do absolutely hate but have (luckily) never almost dated. Finally I added McLin who asked to be in my story so I did. He never asked how to be put in. So many people added!!! Also sorry Sophie your awesome and I don't hate you but I'll try not to make you look bad.

Vote comment Happy Easter!!!!!!!


AN/ This will be interesting. Incase you were wondering no the boys don't have their real life girlfriends

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