Chapter twenty

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AN/ I think I might have another character to add i promise to add the new characters soon. Book time!!

Day two

Anna's P.O.V.

All of our cabin is sitting outside and talking. No one is talking about the prank because Camden doesn't know about it.

"Come on in," Collin yelled out the door.

We walked back and sat at our table.

"So today swimming has been canceled. You can relax in your cabins until four. Then meet me at the flag. Wear tennis shoes," Big chief announced when everyone got inside.

"Can we come with you to your cabin?" Isabella asked.

"Please Nialler?" Camden hugged the Irish boy.

"Fine," he melted when she batted her eyes.

"Yay let's go we all skipped ahead of them and waited at their door. I grinned. They don't know what's behind this door.

"You go first," Hanna said.

They opened the door and gasped. Pink glitter and paint fell over them. Then Harry slipped on the pink and purple frosting on the floor. Zayn screamed when he saw that all of the mirrors were gone. There clothes were thrown everywhere. Finally on the wall in glitter was written,' this is war-The Glitter Bombs.'

"Girls could this by any chance be your doing?" Harry asked still on the floor.

"Not me I was with Niall," Camden threw her hands up in surrender.

"Maybeeee," the other girls dragged out guiltily.

"Come here girls," the guys ran forward and enveloped us in hugs making us just as dirty as them.

"Boys!" We ran after them.

"We surrender," they held their hands up when we cornered them on the dock.

"Not happening!" We yelled and pushed them in. Liam grabbed my ankle and pulled me with him. Reilly who wasn't dirty jumped in after us.

"Rawr!" I heard and turned around to find Liam who jumped on me.

"A little help here guys!" Zayn was barely staying above water.

"We are teaching how to swim soon," Harry rolled his eyes and helped Zayn onto the platform in the middle of the lake. We swam over to the trampoline in the middle and climbed up. We must have looked strange sopping wet in our clothes. Camden and Niall were still in their nice clothes.

"Whee!" Louis squealed and jumped off the side.

"Jump on Nialler!" Camden yelled. She was on the end of this thing where one person sat on one end and another person jumped on the other side and the person on the end went flying.

"Incoming!" Niall screamed and jumped on the end sending Camden flying.

"Watch this!" Zayn exclaimed and did a backflip,but avoiding the water.

"Mooo!" Louis yelled and did a flip off the side.

"Meow," Harry followed.

We continued doing this for a long time until the bell rang.

"Shoot we have ten minutes! Run girls!" Reilly yelled," sorry boys see you later!"

We swam quickly to shore then ran to the cabin while still soaked.

"Quick put on these," Camden threw us cut shirts that were braided in the back and black shorts. We ran into the bathroom to change. After that Reilly threw us neon knee socks. We put those on under our tennis-shoes. Finally I threw my hair up in a ponytail.

"Now lego!" Abi screamed and we ran to the flagpole where a group was gathering.

Liam's P.O.V.

We ran to the flag just as Collin started speaking.

"Hello, so tonight we have a special activity," he paused," we will be playing a little game I like to call search party. You will be put into groups of four. Two people will be the searchers and will have to find the other two who will be hidden. You will draw your group from a basket. Your slip that you draw will have a number one thru twenty and either searcher or hidden written on it. Now pick," he held out a large basket. The lads and I ran forwards and each grabbed a slip. Mine had the number seventeen and hidden written on it. I went over to the poster that said seventeen. Already over there was Zayn and a girl I didn't recognize. She had brownish-blondish long hair.

"Hi I'm Ashyln and your?" Said the girl.

"I'm Liam," right then Anna skipped up to us.

"Hi!" She waved at us," I'm hidden,"

"Me too," I smiled.

"Hidden come here,"

Me and Anna went over to Collin.

"You are each gonna be taken to a different spot and your team is going to have four hours to find you," he said," now Liam and Anna you come first.

AN/ I'm tired!!! So I finally added a character. Ashlyn is ashesss67

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