Chapter thirty five

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Hi!!!! I'm going to the beach tomorrow! You can go ahead and read now.

Day six

Isabella's P.O.V.

Goodmorning!" Camden sung in my ear.

"Ugh!" I groaned and threw my pillow at her," how do you get up so early?"

"Morning person," she shrugged skipping off to the bathroom to get dressed. I dragged myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I just left on my pajamas. I could change them later anyway. We went to the mess hall and I endured Collins morning greeting. When it was over with went strait for the coffee. Thank gosh for coffee! After breakfast I felt much less exhausted. We went back to the cabin for cabin cleanup. I changed into shorts and a T-shirt.

"I'll get the trash," I volunteered. I took the trash bags and started walking to the dumpster. Right after I finished I saw Harry running around like crazy. There was a smear of grease on his face and his plaid flannel shirt had wet spots on it.

"Oh, hi Isabella. Can I get some help?" He led me back behind his cabin. The outside tap was gushing blackish water," it broke," he shrugged.

"Okay," I laughed. We set off to work on it. Suddenly the pipe Harry was working on burst and water shot up into the air and all over us. It looked almost like rain around us. I looked at Harry. Beads of water were stuck in his curls. His green eyes sparkled.

"Your an idiot," I told him.


"It's alright, I am too," I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to me. I put my lips on his. It was only a few seconds but it felt like hours. I'm not complaining, it was heaven.

"Have I proved myself?" He asked when we pulled away. I nodded then pulled him into another kiss.

Harry's P.O.V.

I did it.

I finally did it.

I found a way to prove myself.

She was so perfect. Even better than I could have ever imagined. Up close I could see the water droplets shining on her eyelashes and every last one of her freckles. Her clear blues eyes were so much more beautiful then my dull green ones could ever be. It only took a second. One second to realize how much she meant to me. I liked her before but now I knew the full extent of it. She had me completely wrapped around her finger, even if she didn't realize it she did.

"Umm, I'll just leave now," Niall had come to check on us but he backed away when he saw what was happening. I put my lips against hers one more time. She opened her eyes and broke the kiss. She smirked and walked away before I could say anything. I just stood there shocked. After a minute I walked back into the cabin.

"What was that?" Niall questioned.

"Nothing," I ignored him and went to change out of my soaked clothes.

It was a Friday so we could choose our activities but we had to get changed first. I took off my soaked clothes and changed into dry ones. The lads bombarded me with questions but I ignored them. We chose gaga ball for our first activity, whatever that is. It was in a 'pit' across from the blacktop. The pit was a knee high octagon. We were waiting for an instructor to tell us how to play. The girls from Chitamatcha came up.

"Were gonna be the instructors today since we are the proven gaga champions of Warner Tully," Reilly pointed to her and Camden.

"So this game is called gaga ball," Camden began to explain," the rules are simple. There is this ball," she held up a kickball," someone will throw it into the middle of the pit while everyone has at least one hand on the wall. When the ball bounces the second time you can get off the wall and try to hit it. You may only hit it with your hands. If it hits you in the knee or below or you hit it outside the pit you're out. Everyone get it?" Everyone nodded.

"Good lets get started then," they hopped into the pit and put one hand on the low wall. Everyone followed them. Once everyone was in Anna threw the ball into the middle and the game began. It was really hard to move with so many people around me but after a few minutes a lot of people were out so I could really see what was happening. Reilly and Camden really were good. There cabin had seemed to team up. Camden or Reilly would hit it really hard and some one would get out every single time. Sometimes they would hit it softer to one of the other girls who would catch someone by surprise and get them out. All the lads did really well at first, until Reilly hit Ed so hard in the leg he fell over. After that it was chaos. We were all getting out really fast. At one point Camden hit Louis and it bounced off of him and hit me. Soon it was just the girls against Liam. He managed to get Abi but Hanna hit him right after. The girls turned against each other. All except Camden and Reilly. They stayed as a team until only they remained. They were fierce. One of them would hit it at the other but they would bounce it off a wall back. Eventually Camden got hit barely below her knee.

"Hey, I did better than y'all," Camden said when everyone laughed. Niall came over and hugged her anyway.

"New round!" Reilly announced and everyone got back in. This one was a little tougher. They would look in one direction(AN/ hehe one direction) but then hit it another way. Two minutes in all six of us were out. The girls were left against three older boys. There was a blonde and two with brown hair. I think the blondes name was Patrick and the others names were Sam and Abe. All of them were really good. Hanna, Anna and Isabella got out before any of the boys did but Abi hit Sam right after Hanna got out. Then the ball bounced off Abe and hit Abi getting them both out. That left Reilly and Camden again. This time Reilly hit it over causing Camden to win.

"Now you see why we're the champions?" Reilly asked.

Isabella had been avoiding me. She was standing on the other side of Zayn asking him something. I felt a bit of jealously and had to tell my self that they were just talking. We followed the girls to riflery. It was just us down there and the guy who ran it, whose name I can't remember.

"Today we'll be shooting down some golden potatoes," he said excitedly. There were gold spray painted potatoes on top of the posts.

"Of coarse," Reilly mumbled.

"Anyway anyone who successfully makes one explode will get an award whenever,"

"Let's get started,"Louis picked up a gun and shot without putting on the headphones," ow," he complained. He had missed by a mile.

"Our turn," three of the girls put on the headphones and loaded the guns then shot. They were much better shots than Lou. Isabella and Reilly made them explode and Anna knocked hers off.

"How?" Zayn asked surprised.

"That's how we do it down south," Abi smirked setting down the gun. Each of the girls eventually hit one, it was awesome when they exploded. None of the lads even came close. After the hour was up we went back to the cabins to get changed for swimming.

AN/ I really like Scotty Mcreary okay. Print judge me he's just so good. Also thanks for the 2.5k reads keep it up. I might have something for y'all at 3;). You'll just have to get me there to find out.

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