Chapter thirty three

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AN/ hi sorry I haven't been on I've been working on Twinning. I won't neglect this anymore. Now you may continue to read.

Day five

Anna's P.O.V.

I woke up early so I decided it was time for the glitter bombs to strike again. I woke up the other girls and we snuck into their cabin and set up the prank. We snuck back out and back into our cabin.

"What now?" I asked.

"We have KP in forty five minutes so go ahead and get ready," Reilly said.

"Okay," I went into the bathroom to change. After I had changed we still had half an hour so we decided to play a game. We decided to play the floor is lava. It was really fun with the setup of the bunks. Suprisingly Camden was good at it despite her terribly coordination. Before we realized it it was time to set up breakfast.

"Shoot!" Reilly jumped off of her bunk," run!" We ran down to the mess hall. We got there in time and set out the syrup, milk, and other stuff. After we finished we went outside and rang the bell kids started to walk down so we went to the deck. After a few minutes the boys came over glaring at us. Liam had flour in his hair. Mission accomplished.

Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up when the bell rang and as soon as I sat up I was covered in flour and glitter. The Glitter Bombs was written in glitter on the floor.

"Stupid girls," I muttered. I looked around and the other lads looked the same. I shook my head and glitter and flour flew everywhere.

"Wha?" Niall sat up and was covered in glitter and flour.

"My hair!" Zayn screamed and ran to the restroom to fix his hair.

"Girls!" Ed jumped up, his ginger hair glittering.

"This is war," Liam said seriously. This is bad if he, the mature one, is declaring war. I sighed and went to get dressed. When everyone finished cleaning up we went to breakfast.

"These girls are gonna get it," I heard Zayn say under his breath. We walked past them and they smirked when Liam shook his head sending glitter and flour in all direction. We just glared at them and sat on the other side of the deck. After breakfast, which consisted of French toast, we had cabin cleanup.

"Well this is going to be horrid," Ed gestured to the glitter and flour all over the floor and sighed. We got to work sweeping the floor but by the time we had finished the bell had rung and we hadn't had time to do anything else. We had an horse back riding for both of our activities. Lou fell off the horse twice. During swimming time we avoided the girls. At Lunch big chief announced a special activity.

"We're gonna have an activity this afternoon that will take up time before dinner and time after," the room buzzed," because of this we won't be having afternoon swim, sorry. We will be playing paintball. After rest period come back here. You may dress however you please, I suggest clothes that can be ruined. You are dismissed." Everyone rushed out of the mess hall to their cabins.

AN/ I'm so so sorry it's so short. Writers block. I'll try to write more but sorry if I don't. Please don't forget to dm me your fanart for both of my stories at @summercampwith1dfanart on Instagram.

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