Chapter thirty two

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AN/ go check out my friend Isabella's story I help her write. It's called The Elementals. This chapters dedicated to get on reading.

Day four

Isabella's P.O.V.

"So tonight's activity is battleball!" Collin anounced," for anyone that doesn't already know battleball is like dodge ball, but Warner Tully style. You will play a regular game of dodgeball until I or someone else blows a whistle then you may run onto the other teams side and hit them from up close. It's really fun but also pretty scary after the whistle has been blown. Now follow me we're going to the field," he stood and we followed him to the fields behind the lake.

"We are going to start out playing a round of boys versus girls. Boys over here and girls over there," Collin announced after the boundaries had been set.

We all did as he said and separated into girls on one side and boys on the other.

"Three, two,one, go!" Collin shouted from the side.

Everyone ran forward and tried to grab a ball. I stayed back while this happened watching everyone else. Suddenly something hit me in the face and I fell back. I looked to the side to see Harry walking off the field. Ugh. Something else hit me and I walked over to Harry.

"Your not helping yourself," I told him.

"I'm sorry. It was an accident," he apologized. I could tell it was sincere.

Abi was really good at throwing the ball. She got out quite a few people. Reilly could throw hard. Hanna was small so she was hard to hit. Anna's ball got caught by Zayn so she got out early. Camden was probably the best at it. She couldn't throw very well but despite her clumsiness she could dodge anything. About half the people were out and Collin blew his whistle. The guys ran over to the girls. Niall grabbed Camden and pegged her with a ball. People were falling fast. Eventually it was just Hanna being chased around by Louis. Everytime he tried to hit her she would run past him. After a few minutes of this Louis threw a ball and Hanna caught it.

"Yeah!" We jumped up," girls rule!"

"Next round!" Collin announced," this time it's counselors versus campers. Since we don't have counselors anyone who is currently or has ever been a counselor come over here. Adults too. Campers on the other. Camden, Reilly and a handful of others went over by Collin. We went onto opposite sides.

"Three, two, one," everyone ran towards the middle again. In a few minutes it was evident that we were screwed. All of them threw hard fast balls and could dodge well. I guess it's from experience. In a matter of minutes we had lost over half of our team and only one person on their side was out. The whistle was blown and people ran every which way. After another minute all of our team was out and the counselors team was still intact.

"The veterans win once again!" A guy with black yelled.

"Shut up Abe," a girl with long blonde hair hit him playfully.

"Alright it's getting dark, follow me back to the mess hall," Collin started walking back. We all followed. When we got back and sat down Collin started talking," since it's not to late we're just gonna hang out down here and have ice cream. Sound alright?"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

We got handed ice cream and people started goofing off. This guy Patrick who was one of the counselors got duct taped to the wall(actually happened the picture is on @warnertully on Instagram).

"Doesn't that hurt him?" I asked.

"Nah, it's fine," Camden said then laughed. The boys sang a lot. We basically just had a big party for a few hours.

"Sorry to ruin the party but it's eleven you really need to head to the cabins," Collin sent everyone off.

"So that was fun," Anna said when we were back in the cabins.

"Yeah it was," I agreed then went to take a shower. When I was done I changed into shorts and a tank top.

"Goodnight, I'm going to sleep!" I called. Everyone told me goodnight then kept on talking. I was so tired I managed to fall asleep with the lights on.

AN/ sorry it's short I'm lazy. I created an Instagram for the story. It's @summercampwith1dfanart dm me my fanart and I'll post it and possibly dedicate a chapter to you if you leave your acount

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