Chapter thirty one

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AN/ it's two days later and I'm still listening to midnight memories almost nonstop. Help me I need therapy. Other than at go check out my story Twinning i posted a four page chapter of that. Like none of you that read this story read Twinning. This story has 13hundred reads and that one barely has 50. Thanks now I'll leave you to your reading.

Day four

Abi's P.O.V.

"Hey guys I made a slight mistake," Collin said," your supposed to go swimming now. Now go to the pool,"

We went back to the cabin to change quickly. Then we went down by the lake because we had kraken today.

"Release the kraken!" Isabella yelled and we jumped into the lake.

"Watch this," Anna said. She did a back handspring into a backflip on the trampoline.

"I can do this," I did a cartwheel into the water. We all just started doing tricks. Camden did this thing where she fell onto her back and bounced up onto her feet. Isabella couldn't do anything so she just tried to make it to the end of the balance beam and fail.

"What now?" Hanna asked. We were lying on the trampoline.

"What about the blob?" Reilly suggested.

"Sure," Anna climbed to the end of it. I jumped onto the other end and she shot up really high. We did this to each other until the bell rang for supper. We had left our clothes on the shore so we slipped them on quickly and were the first people up on the deck.

"Girls!" Collin called us over," would you six paint faces during free time tonight?"

"Sure we would be happy to!" I told him. Everyone nodded in agreement.

We left him and sat on the front row of the amphitheater style deck. People started coming in from the pool and the boys came and sat next to us. When everyone had come in cabin cleanup for the day, which had gone to Alabamoo, and KP went inside. After they got seated we we're let inside. After waiting in line we got hamburgers, fries, and brownies for supper. We sat down at our table and ate. The music changed to What Makes You Beautiful and the boys started singing at the top of their lungs. They ran over to our table and messing with our hair.

"Boys I'm giving you five seconds to move!" Anna raised her voice," Five,four,three,two,one," she picked up our pitcher of sweet tea and dumped it on Harry.

"They backed off and went back to their table. Harry sat glaring at Anna until Collin started announcements," so since it is Warner Tully Wednesday we are going to have a special activity but you'll have to wait to find out. But one thing, I strongly suggest getting your faces painted. Now go to free time,"

He came up to our table," the face paint and brushes are in the floaters cabin. Have fun," he walked out.

"I can get it," Camden volunteered. She went to get the paint and came back with a ton of little bottles of face paint and some brushes. We set them up then we decided to paint our own faces before anyone came in.

"What should we do?" Hanna asked.

"I vote cat whiskers," Camden fell out of her chair. Typical.

"I like that idea," Isabella said. We all nodded. We painted our faces with whiskers and pink noses. When we finished people started coming in.

Niall's P.O.V.

"Should we get our faces painted?" Liam asked.

"Yeh!" Louis shouted.

We all agreed and went back to the mess hall. When we got inside the girls were sitting at the head table painting faces. I went up to Camden who was painting a guys face green. She finished and I sat down in front of her.

"What will it be?" She asked not looking up from all the paint and brushes.

"Umm," I thought.

"Hey Nialler. I didn't realize it was you," she looked up and smiled,"what do you want?"

"Surprise me!" I said.

"Alright close your eyes," she ordered and I obeyed. I felt the cold paint on my face and after a few minutes I opened my eyes. She held out a mirror. She had painted two green lines under each of my eyes. I grinned.

"Thanks," i pecked her on the the lips. I looked at the other lads. They had the same thing as me. The girls must have planned that," your a cute little kitty," I told her.

"Will you stay and keep me from dying of boredom?" She begged me.

"Absolutely," I sat down next to her. She painted about fifteen faces. Anywhere from a heart to tiger stripes. After an hour the bell rang and we stepped outside and sat on the deck.

"Hello!" Collin smiled," everyone's faces look amazing,"

Everyone looked at the girls.

"So tonight's activity is,"

AN/ I think I'm addicted to midnight memories. It's been three days and I'm still listening to the album every chance I get.

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