Matt's POV

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The next day I found myself sitting around, waiting for Ana to call me.

I wanted to know what had happened last night.

Did she break up with him, and if she did what was I going to do about it.

God, it was driving me insane, why the hell did I suddenly have these feelings after all of these years.

My phone rang and I snatched it up.

I looked at the caller I.d.

It was Ana.

"Hey" I answered.

"Hey you." she replied.

I couldn't ask about Jake, maybe I was scared of the answer.

"So how's your mom?"

"Thankgod she's home, we bought her home this morning." she sounded happy.

"I'm glad. What are you up to?" I wanted to see her.

"I'm hanging here, you should come over, we'll have lunch and whatever."

Sounded like a good idea to me.

I got changed and drove over, her dad let me in.

"She's in the sun room. " he told me.

I walked in there and Ana was sitting on the bed talking with her mom.

"Hi guy's. " I said.

Ana turned and smiled at me, I loved seeing her smile.

"Pull up a seat Matthew, Ana has some incredible news to share." her mom said, I detected sarcasm in her voice.

"Oh." I sat down.

"Mom please, I haven't decided." Ana said, she looked down at her hand and there it was.

She had on an engagement ring.

I felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach.

"Oh Ana come on, let's tell everyone the exciting news." her mom sounded upset.

"He proposed?" I asked "No said yes?"

She opened her mouth to reply but I cut her off "after everything he's done to you, you said yes, jesus fucking christ Ana."

"Matt I didn't..."

I cut her off "Your unbelievable. " I stood up "Do you honestly think this is a good idea, I can't believe this."

I turned and walked out.

I heard her coming after me, I walked out the front door.

"Matt, please." she said.

"Look you can do what you want Ana but I won't support you in this, the guy is an absolute dick,  so no , don't call me when it all goes to shit."

I got in my car and slammed the door.

I couldn't look at her.

I drove away and dialled Brian.

"What's up?" he answered.

"Man I need a drink."

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