Chapter 64

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Matt's POV

I put my bag in the car then went back upstairs. We were heading back to Australia to do the show we cancelled then to South America. I'd be gone about three weeks and I was going to miss Ana alot. I'd tried to convince her to come, but she wouldn't.

"Ana, We've really gotta go." I said knocking on the bathroom door.

She groaned. "I know."

Maybe it was a good thing she wasn't coming, she'd gotten a stomach bug and been spending alot of time in the bathroom.

The door opened and she came out. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I told her kissing her forehead. "Let's go."

She smiled at me and nodded. "I'll miss you."

"And I will miss you, now come on." I said taking her hand.

She looked at me. "Oh no." she groaned and turned and went back into the bathroom.


"I'll call Lilah, get her to pick me up." I called through the door.

"Matt." She was crying "I wanted to take you."

"It's fine babe, really." I called Lilah.

"Hey." She answered.

"Can you guys pick me up? Ana's still pretty sick."

They agreed and would be here in five minutes.

The door opened again.

"Can you please go and see a Doctor?" I asked her.

"It's only a bug, I'll be fine in a couple of day's."

"Ana, it's already been a couple of day's." I went to pull her into my arm's but she stepped back.

"You don't need to get this Matt." She said and started walking downstairs to the door.

She was right, I didn't.

"They're here." She looked at me.

"I'll call when we get there." I picked up my bag.

She nodded and opened the front door. I kissed her forehead and walked to the car and put my bag in the trunk.

I looked at her standing in the door.

Fuck it. I walked back to her and kissed her long and hard.

"I don't care if I get sick." I murmured kissing her again.

Lilah honked the horn.

"Alright already. I love you okay?" I told her.

"Good, I love you and I'm gonna miss your face." She smiled.

I gave her another quick kiss and as we pulled away I saw her run inside, no doubt to be sick again.

"God, Lilah can you make sure she's okay?" I asked.

"Matt, I'm sure she'll be fine."Lilah said.

"I know but..." Thinking about before.

"It's been two months, she's okay now, so stop worrying." She glanced back at me.

It was true, it had been two months and she was okay now, I just couldn't help worrying about her.

"Now make sure you look after my unborn." Jim started telling Lilah. I wasn't listening, I was thinking of Ana, glad I had her in my life, I just wished she would've come too.

It'll go quick, I told myself. I hoped so, because I missed her like crazy already.

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