Chapter 65

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Ana's POV

I looked around, the place was reasonably tidy, I'd actually managed to do a bit of cleaning today, which was a good thing because Lilah was coming over for dinner. Josh was away working and I was glad, he needed to get away from here.

There was a knock on the door and I went and let Lilah in. I was glad I had her because I was missing Matt like crazy.

"Oh my god, I'm so hungry." She said pushing past me "This child needs food."

I looked at her, she looked so cute, with her little belly starting to show.

"What is there to eat?" She asked me with a serious look on her face.

"I was just going to order pizza."

"Mmm pizza is good. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Oh better now, whatever it was is gone. " I said, which may have been a tiny lie because I was sick at lunch today. I didn't want her to worry, or worse, tell Matt.

"Good, order the pizza." So I did.

"Drink?" I asked her, walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah." She followed me. "I hope you don't mind Ana, but I'm going to eat this while we wait, I dunno, I just feel like steak."

She pulled out a package and unwrapped the biggest steak I'd ever seen in my life.

"Do you have a pan?" She asked looking at me.

I dug around and found her one, she put it on the stove and turned it on.

"Mmmmmm." She said looking at me and she plopped the steak in the pan.

I looked at it, all red and oh god I felt sick again.

"Oh my god Ana, it smells so good. Smell it." She grabbed me and pushed me near the cooking steak.

The smell, oh god. I pushed Lilah out of the way and ran for the bathroom, I could hear her laughing. I just made it.

"Ana, let me in." Lilah said knocking on the door.

I threw up again. "No."

"Oh my god Ana, let me in. You know what's wrong with you don't you?" She called.

Ha, I wish I did know what was wrong with me. I splashed water on my face and opened the door.

She was standing there with her hands on her hips. "Ana, when was your last period?"

I looked at her "Not that it's any of your business Lilah, but it was, I dunno." I thought, when was it?? I couldn't remember. "I haven't been regular since mom got sick, the doctor said it was stress. So I know what your getting at Lilah and well that's just impossible."

"How is it impossible?  You sleep with Matt right? Then trust me it's possible."

I shook my head, there was no way I was pregnant, impossible.

"Fine Ana, as soon as we eat we'll go to the drug store and get a test." She told me.

"Lilah I am not pregnant so I'm not taking a test." I was getting angry.

"Well if your not pregnant then the test won't hurt, will it?"

So Lilah dragged me to the drug store where she insisted I buy two tests "Just to make sure."

"Do you need to pee?" She asked me as soon as we walked in the front door.

I did, but I wasn't telling her that. "No actually,  I don't."

"Liar." She said grabbing my arm and dragging me upstairs to that bathroom.

"Well, what do I do?" I asked her.

"Pee on this." She said handing me a white thing "Then we wait ummm five minutes."

"Oh for godsake." I said walking into the bathroom and slamming the door.

"Let me know when you've done it and I'll start timing." She called out.

I rolled my eyes, god, there was no way I was pregnant, impossible.

"Right, I'm done." I said placing it on the bench and opening the door.

I sat down on the bed beside her.

"This is so exciting." She giggled.

"Well your excited for no reason Lilah, I'm not pregnant, I'm sure I would know if I was." It was true, I'd know, wouldn't I?

We sat there in silence.

"It's time." Lilah suddenly said.

Now I was worried, I didn't want to go in and see.

"Want me to look?" Lilah asked me.

"No." I snapped getting up and walking into the bathroom, I picked up the stick and looked at. "See, ha, negative." I called out.

"Bullshit." She said walking in and grabbing it. "Ana you fucking idiot, two lines are positive."

I looked at it again, two lines.

"I'm taking the other one." I said grabbing the other box.

"Oh Ana, oh my god." She was laughing "Do you need to pee?"

"I'll take it when I do, and until I take that one well I refuse to believe I'm pregnant." I sat on the bed.

I was stunned. Pregnant.  What would Matt say? We had not once ever even mentioned children.

"Stop worrying Ana, for godsake." Lilah said hugging me "It'll be fine."

What if it's not?

I took the other test. It was positive.

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