Chapter 43

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Ana's POV

I hated leaving him but I had promised mom I would spend the evening with her.

"So honey, what's going on?" Mom asked me.

We'd decided to watch a movie and were sitting on the couch.

"What do you mean?" I wasn't sure what she was getting at.

"Oh I don't just look...I don't know...your eyes have a sparkle."

I laughed "Mom really."

"Have you spoken to Jake? You really need to tell him."

"I know, I think I'll meet up with him tomorrow night. I don't think he'll take it well." I was anxious, after all Jake did have a temper.

"Well he will have to get over it."

I hoped he would get over it.

I didn't leave too late because I had to get up early for work in the morning.

When I woke up in the morning I wasn't my usual grumpy self.

Actually I was so happy and everyone was noticing. I was getting comments off of everybody.

I needed to stop being obvious, I mean Matt and I hadn't even talked about us, I didn't even know what was going on to be honest, I mean what were we now?

I had a great day at work, even the usual puke didn't bother me.

So when my shift ended I had a shower and got changed and went to my car.

I was going to Matt's,  but suddenly I was nervous. Maybe I should text him? No, he'd said to come over straight after work, so I drove straight there.

When I pulled up there was another car in the drive. I didn't recognize it, then I realized it was a hire car.

I shrugged and walked to do the door.

Before I could knock the door flew open.

I felt my world crashing around me.

"Oh look it's Ana, aren't you too cute."

It was Amber. She was Matt's ex, and I couldn't stand her. She was so fake, including her boobs. I had tried to be nice to her but she was horrible to me always putting me down, so I stopped bothering with the nice.

It was really the only time Matt and my relationship had been strained.

And here she was.

What the hell was she doing here?

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Oh honey, I'm back in town for good and of course as soon as Matt heard he called me." she smiled at me.

He had called her? Really?

I felt tears stinging my eyes but I blinked them back.

"Well I'll go and let you two catch up." I took a step back.

"I got here last night, we've caught up plenty if you know what I mean." she smirked.

Oh god.

Just then I heard Matt call out "Amber, come here, I've got something for you."

"Jesus." I blurted.

She leant over closer to me and whispered "He's a goddamn animal, never satisfied, but I'm not complaining."

With that said she turned around and shut the door.

I stood there for a moment completely shocked.

Go, get out of here, a voice in my head said and I don't remember getting in the car and driving but I suddenly noticed I was driving and I was crying.

I pulled over.

Oh god, what was that? What had just happened? Why would Matt do this to me?

I dug around in my handbag looking for a tissue and my phone rang.

Great, it was Jake.

I wiped my face and answered "Hello?"

"Well thank god, listen up, I'm coming over tonight well because frankly Ana I want an answer." he stated.

"Fine." I didn't care "Come whenever."

"OK,  I'll see you about seven."

I hung up and stared out the windscreen. I was numb.

I drove home and pulled up, as I was getting out of the car I suddenly got so angry.

Why would he do that to me? Was he trying to ridicule me? Did he think he could get me in bed? I didn't understand.

I screamed and threw my phone at the house. It hit it and smashed.

Josh threw the door open.

"What the hell Ana?" he said looking from me to the phone.

"I'll tell what, if Matt ever shows his face here again do not let him in. I never want to see him again. Got it?" I screamed at him.

"Jesus,  yes fine." he said.

I walked past him up the stairs to my room.

I slammed the door and threw myself on my bed.

I cried, I didn't think I would ever stop.

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