The Rainfall City: Gearton

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Ever since the beginning of the Dreary Century, inventors, engineers, and scientists alike always love to work with each other. But everything's changed: most people just keep to themselves and are always suspicious of each other, a mechanical city now a city of risen pipes and needlessly large aqueducts beached with waste and garbage. Every sight and scenery of the streets was sketchy to the point of needing a form of self defense from hidden assaulters, the constant rain makes everything more effective when it comes to uncertainty.

The streets of Gearton were once a harmonious place merry, mirth, and laughter, where odd walking contraptions could be seems as mechanical animals of intrigue and amusement park rides were to become the vehicles of the modern age. It once held that one delightful of wonder that could make even the most scarred and depressing child feel alive once more, but now everything lies in rusting ruins. The only people seen out are either drifters or travelers happening to pass by, the citizens will only come out either to move away or to visit another building risking their lives against the dangers hidden with the city's own streets.

Apparently the one who knows this place than anyone is Korah Effete, a young wayfarer and a guild member of the Trove Snipes, really dumb name but they're actually pretty efficient at their jobs as an agency who scour the secrets of the old world. Korah is an adventurous scout and resourceful forager in the eyes of his fellow guild mates, but he's also a mean scrapper when it comes to fighting for his friends. Pleasant to be around and has a calm demeanor, he always likes to see something knew, until someone gets his way and taunts him.

Korah Effete was but a small brown haired green eyed child when he became part of the Trove Snipe guild at the age of 7

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Korah Effete was but a small brown haired green eyed child when he became part of the Trove Snipe guild at the age of 7. He was shy at first until the kids of the other guild members made friends with him. He became friendly and more open to everyone in the guild, even the guild master adopted him to be his stepson, as side from the 10 biological kids he already has, he loved him the same way. And when someone tried to hurt his step siblings before his sight, that's when he gain a reputation for being a little demon.

Unlike most of his guild members, he leaves bitter scars on anyone who crosses him, making him look like a genuine sadistic monster towards criminals and punks who tarnishes his guild name; ironically he just wants to be away from the conflict. What really grabs his eyes is the sight of treasure, and one of the guild laws are as such, "Finder's Keepers or Fare to Share", meaning anything Trove Snipe that finds any of value can keep it or they can put it up for trade with other guild members at the guild's private territory: Sniper's Grove.

Korah's first find was a Pirate's Golden War Hook, which he then traded in for his signature weapons, the Ripper's Hooks: a pair of chained hook swords forged from the corpse of a memory devouring monster. He thought is was just a bunch of nonsense until he did something strange with them. While scouring the city dump sites, Korah used his weapons to fish out an actual treasure box, but what came next was strange: he saw images projecting from the box.

What he saw were the box's memories, memories of the old ages where pirates ruled the ocean. That was something he had to keep to himself, or else people would find him crazy. He found this power to his advantage for his skill set, because seeing the memories of his findings will lead him to more treasure and more revenue for his guild. They will be the talk of the town once when they saw of his treasures that are up for grabs, but after work Korah keeps to himself as he leaves for him.

Though there're suburb builds and residential towers above, below the city is where the commerce is really at. People live above ground and they shop and commingle underground away from the rain and floods. The underground is build with networks and easy labyrinths of shops, businesses, hospitals, and eateries that can satisfy and person who lived in the rain. At the bottom of all of them are the Guild Halls, where only guildsmen can access to and consort with other neighboring guilds.

The guilds are Gearton's sole connection of the outside world, since the entire world blames Gearton and its citizens for the Dreary Century. They work for the city from resources to global intel, the city's only main working force to ensure its survival along with the circulation of its people. Yet now a days, the few guildsmen who travels never returned to Gearton, unknown to their reasons. But out of all of them, the Trove Snipes are the only ones who've made it back in one piece during their expeditions.

The guild's next global expedition will lead a team to the drowning deserts, with Korah being their prized winner. What he'll find might change the entire course of history. No one knows why this happened to the world, but the "key" will soon be revealed and will finally shed some light into the mystery of the Dreary Century that befell on the world.

Hey Guys! You like my story so far? I know the scenery's seems dismal at first, but but you'll find out soon, and yes you will meet Shantae as well. The next chapter of the story will have some dialogue, forgive me if it's gonna be a little weird for you guys to read.
- Kanadzuchi

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