The Sight of the Past: Scuttle Town

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Korah was seeing Shantae's past first hand by following her past self into what use to be Scuttle Town: a seaside town of fishermen and sailing. Everything in her past was far brighter and colorful than his future, from the tropical trees to the Arabian theme of the town and its people. He chases after afraid to bump anyone from the past fearing he might change it. Soon he realized that the people are just specters to him and can just walk through them without fear, he was overthinking it.

But in his mind this town felt familiar to him somehow, as if he was here before in the present. He tailed the past Shantae to what seemed to be the large lighthouse, this was a dead giveaway in his mind. This town is in Scuwa! The the decaying ruins of the drowning desert! He knew it was familiar, and this place used to be the home of the founding father: Gear Master Mimic. Once he entered the place once more, it was littered with machines and gadgets that might've set in motion for Gearton's birth. His amazement ended as he finds Shantae going to he uncle's room, were Mimic was sleeping on his desk right next to his new project.

Past Shantae"😚Uncle Mimic? You awake?"
Past Mimic"😪Zzz... Zzz... Poot! Zzz..."
Past Shantae"😏I guess you're asleep. 😤Inhales... 😝GOOD MORNING!!!"
Past Mimic"😵Bncrouwuwhuhcwfibxicbfyibicwrniucbrwiucnwrouneuirn!!!"

As Korah peers through the room, Mimic wakes up flailing like an idiot and falls on the floor with papers flying everywhere. As he gets himself up, Korah sees he's a large old man with copious amount of white beard and a pair of yellow goggles for glasses, just like his statue back in Sniper's Grove yet this time he finally sees him in person, even though it's her memories.

Past Mimic"😳Ahh, my wonderful niece. 🤔Was I dozing off again?"
Past Shantae"More like you slept the entire night. What're you feeling?"
Past Mimic"😊In tiptop shape my dear! Especially for today's Annual Science Fair! After years of learning the ancient technologies of the forgotten past, my invention would be able to send us into a bigger and brighter future."
Past Shantae"😠Hold on there! Something tells me that another disaster's gonna happen again."
Past Mimic"😐What!? What do you mean by that?"
Past Shantae"😕Uncle, haven't you noticed that for the past years every find and invention you've discovered or created will be Risky Boot's next target?"
Korah"😒Seriously man, how can you not notice that?"
Past Mimic"🤔Well you see this device next to me will be my decoy. The real invention is all ready on its way, thanks to Bolo."
Past Shantae"😒Bolo? Really?"
Korah"😐That didn't sound so good."
Past Mimic"😕What?"
Past Shantae"😠You know how reliable he is, do you?"
Past Mimic"😌Don't worry, I've made him an offer he cannot refuses."

Soon cannon fire was set off in the town near the pier, with people screaming in peril. Shantae face palms herself already knowing what's going to happen next. She'll have to stop Risky Boots again and save the world from her, again. She stretches and gets herself ready to go another round with her, even though the end result will be the same. Yet Mimim didn't seem unfazed by all this, more like he was chuckling at it.

Past Shantae"What's wrong?"
Past Mimic"😏Hehehe, more like everything's going according to plan. Shantae, why don't you save the people and the city first and ignore my device for now."
Past Shantae"Are you sure about that Uncle?"
Past Mimic"The people need you more than I do right now, I've got somethings to take care of here. And when you see Ms. Boots, wait for me to get there."

Shantae found it a little strange for Mimic to be so calm about thistles situation, but he's right; the people are in trouble and needed her help. As she went off to save the towns people, Korah tries to follow her to the front door but somehow ends up at the pier a mile away from the lighthouse. He spots Risky Boots and her crew of Tinkerbats already owning Mimic's latest project, a mechanical sphere. Then Shantae swoop down ready to duke it out with the pirate wench.

Past Shantae"😠Risky Boots. Why am I not surprise?"
Past Risky Boots"😈Hahaha. Ready to have your butt handed to you?"
Past Shantae"😑My gosh, you know the procedure, so let's get this over with!"
Past Risky Boots"👿No. This time, everything will be different. Tinkerbats! Bring out the TinkerMaiden!"
Korah"😕The Tinker-wha?"

After a few of the black pirate things came out, one of them whistle and the sea began to bubble and roil turning into a whirlpool. Two of her pirate ships on top of giant three-eye sea snails anchored around the whirling torrent readied with two tesla towers. Out came a gigantic mermaid bound in armor made of pirate ship parts controlled by Tinkerbats, a cruel and inhumane sight to see. Korah's seen something similar to her, but this mermaid's much larger than any mega mermaid. 

Past Shantae"😧Oh no! Giga Mermaid? What did you do to her?"
Past Risky Boots"😈You like? I made her into my own ultimate weapon! But with the newest invention created by that fuddy-duddy uncle of yours, She'll be even more powerful. And her first target, you!"

With the snap of her fingers, the The Tinkerbats operated the machine armor tethered to the poor creature, manipulating her to grab the device from Risky and adding it as her chest piece. The sphere opened up to be a gyroscopic core, charging the armor with even more power discharging from it. As Korah witnessed the event, he noticed that out of the device was another Tinkerbat hidden inside of it, but this was a robot made to blend in with the her crew during the confusion.

Korah was a bit confused about it until, the armor started to charge its owner for an attack. Shantae was ready for anything that she can handle. Yet the device was malfunctioning as it started to convulse out of control up to the point of exploding off the armor's torso along with half of her crew. The TinkerMaiden's helm was damaged enough to see half of her face struggling back for control. To Risky it seemed to be flawed, so she went for the direct approach and attack Shantae and began to fight her, with the TinkerMaiden fighting as well.

Shantae managed to destroy her armor while fighting with Risky attacking the giant bolts holding her down and managed to free her letting the Giga Mermaid throw off the rest of her armor at the two Tinkerslugs which got damaged heavily along with the crew. Sore about her defeat, she swore she'll get Shantae back someday as she absconded to the nearest Tinkerslug and retreated unaware of the robot Tinkerbat spying on her.

Korah somehow transitions back at Mimic's lighthouse where he unveils that his greatest invention was the "Tickerbat": a mechanical Tinkerbat used to spy on Risky Boots as she travels back to her secret hideout. Korah, Shantae, Bolo, Sky, and Mimic have a front seat at a screen console to see and hear everything that Risky's whereabouts. Mimic explained to Shantae that he knew all along that the dirty pirate was gonna steal something from him again and tricked her with a phony invention with his real invention planted inside.

Mimic worked extra hard on this project for three months and led to this success, now everything the Tickerbat sees they will see it as well, finally gaining the upper hand on her right under her nose. At the seas, Risky sailed back to her hidden hideout where Techno Baron use to reside, with the Tickerbat at her side. There they see her docks filled with stolen resources and valuables that can make her rich in an instant. But she soon unveiled her next plan to her Tinkerbats that she's left with no choice but her last weapon against Shantae, an artifact that sealed the Djinns.

This was a trifling chapter to do, because I wasn't sure if it covered enough action for the reading. I might've gotten a little lazy around this one. If there's anything you guy wanted to any, leave a comment on this chapter and I'll see what I can do about it.
- Kanadzuchi

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