The Sight of the Past: Mermaid Falls

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After unveiled her plan to the Tickerbat, Shantae knew of where that place was and wanted Sky to take her their by bird, didn't even hear her uncle's words of warning. It transitioned once more as Korah appeared in Risky's New Hideout, once occupied by Techno Baron's Mermaid Factory, and he was standing right next to Risky Boots who ordered her crew to crane down a giant cargo box labeled with many warnings and danger signs. Once it was finally put down, Risky slowly unsheathes her cutlass and in a flash, destroyed the box.

This revealed the most unsettling artifact ever unearthed by man: a giant vase with carvings of many bare backs with one large back as the centerpiece with snakes as his arms that wrapped around the vessel and became handles. Each back had different markings on them, except for one. He noticed it right next to the centerpiece, its markings are the same as his. He wondered if the Djinns had anything to do with his family, he stowed those thoughts in the back burner of his mind when he was attending to Shantae, that is until now.

Korah"😨Sh-Shantae? What is that?"
Genie Shantae"🌟That is the Sealed Vessel of the Djinns, immortal enemies of the Genies.🌟"
Korah"😧You guys had a rivaling race?"

Everything around him stopped as the sealing above him became a portal of illustrations for her short explanation.

Genie Shantae"🌟 Long ago during the land's first kingdom, 🏞the magic of the land combined with the life force of the people brought forth the gateway of the 🎆Genie Realm, where they made their first contact with mankind. Genies were sought as the first magical beings who've graced their existence, but another rose from the flames of imagination and yearning of knowledge combined with the land's magic. 🌟 "

Two images projected the birth of the two race that came into mankind's presence, the Genies holding out a hand of friendship while the Djinns became curious and started to steal.

Genie Shantae"🌟The Djinns manifested out of the ashes as they gained sentience and became as curious as humans, yet they are as powerful as the Genies. Unlike the Genies whom are more into befriending with other, the Djinns's curiosity about their new home became a power struggle for dominance and control over the human race. As soon as they began their conquest to take over the land, the Genies had no choice but to war against them for the sake of humanity.🌟"

The Genies assaulted the Djinns as they fought back with magic and battle, the Djinns overwhelm them in strength of numbers, but the Genies fought them off combining their powers together. All the Djinns are then defeated, except for a few of them.

Genie Shantae"🌟With all the other Djinns, the last remaining were left to continue fighting. They were subdued by the combined spell that sealed their fate in stone, left in the annals of history. That is until she foolishly unleashed them.🌟"

As the images from the ceiling were absorbed into the vessel, the began t move forward once more in the memory. Risky Boots walked towards it telling her minions to stand back as she makes physical contact with it by hand touch. She glides her fingers over every back whispering an incantation that's hard to understand yet it can be heard echoing through the cavern. As she continues, each back touched had their marks glowing in a different color, making the last one glow the brights.

Soon the entire cavern shook as the vase cracks under the pressure of the magic being released, also leakingmout fumes of black ash trying to engulf the area. Risky got one of the Tinkcerbat bandanas to breathe through it until the vase explodes into the world's largest smoke bomb, filling the cavern with ash and soot nearly got blinding very of inside of it. All that was hear were the hollowed sounds of monstrous creatures lurking around leaving Risky blind for an assault. Soon the sounds of slashing and crushing filled the echoes, making her actually scared.

The sounds soon stopped as the smoke began to clear up, and all she could her were footsteps slowly walking towards her. She quivers with her cutlass and pistol in hand preparing for the worst. Then she was confronted by a man wearing a black cloak with shackles on his bare ankles. His face was as black as darkness along with his ominous presence, she never knew the Djinns were so frail, but she still armed herself and gave the figure questions.

Past Risky Boots"👿Who are you!"
Cloaked Man"👤I am the one you summoned, are you not?"
Past Risky Boots"😤Yes... I am. But where's the rest of you!? I know there are more then just you cooped up in that giant flower vase!"
Cloaked Man"👤Indeed. They are all around you."

She was confused and agitated from his response, that is until she see deeper into the smoke. When the smoke cleared up a bit, she finds all her Tinkerbats were destroyed by several beings: a bat winged human hybrid with tentacle hair, a colossal anthropomorphic rhino, a man with half of his body trapped in a giant sea shell with is long hair covering his face, a red striped black panther with twin tails, and many other monstrosities. The one most distinguishable of them all was the clocked djinn's right-hand monster.

This creature practically brightened the area around her when she first saw him out of the ash clouds. He was beastly who had a mane of red flames, large dark blue antler, and claws that can cleave any man into ribbons. All these creatures were the Djinns of old and they were hungry for one thing; revenge. Once the ash and smoke cleared up, all was left was those creatures and the clothes and loot of her Tinkerbats, who never had a fighting chance. This was what she called upon and she already knew what to do with them.

Cloaked Man"👤As a reward for freeing us from out prison, what is your wish?"
Past Risky Boots"😈There are only two things that I want from you: The world in my hands, and Shantae out of the way. Can you make that happen?"
Cloaked Man"👤Hmm..."

The cloaked djinn gives glances to the rest of the Djinns and they all muttered in agreement. He he raised one hand and aims it at a stack of boxes above the higher level.

Cloaked Man"😈Your wish, is our command."

His fingers flexed into a grabbing motion causing all those boxes to shatter and telekinetically pulling Shantae from hiding, grabbing her by the neck. Risky never knew she was even here, but it was all the sweeter for her to get revenge. Shantae tried to transform in her struggle, but her magic was negated by the Cloaked Djinn's power. This somehow intrigued him as he gains further inspection of Shantae's person, finding out that she's more than just some random target. He knew what she was and was drooling with excitement in his mind.

Past Risky Boots" 👿What are you waiting for? Get rid of her!"
Past Shantae" 😡Lemme go you dusty old weirdo!"
Cloaked Man"👤Hmm... I sense her blood is that of a magic user. Why is that?"
Past Risky Boots" Because, she's a Half Genie. 👿That's the reason why I wanted her dead!!"
Cloaked"👤A Genie you say... 😈Hehehe, why didn't you say so. If I may, I shall have all of you deal with her."
Past Djinns 👹cackling and laughing at her.
Fire Beast Djinn"😠Hmm, I'm not sure about this."
Cloaked Man"😏Trust me Ifrit my old friend, this is well worth the wait."

He summons a portal beneath her and drops her down in the worth darkness as the rest of the Djinns give chase, only leaving him and the first beast Ifrit around the hole with Risky witnessing it all. Ifrit jumped through it to make sure she's dead which it then closes after him. Risky gloats at her first victory in ages and summons more of her Tinkerbat crew to celebrate, but the cloaked djinn wanted her to know that she still has a lot to do. Starting with Scuttle Town as her start for conquest.

Man, he didn't even let her put up a fight. And yes, this Ifrit is referenced from the our beloved Final Fantasy series. I might have to cut the action scenes short on the next part- oh yeah, this is still all a big memory to Korah, forgot about him. Well, your gonna know what's gonna happen next time.
- Kanadzuchi

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