The Fleeting Isle: Minseque

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On a remote island twenty kilometers from the edge of the raining city, a base camp was made where the new Ammo Baron was gathering himself from his ordeal. He was lying on a mat as Vinaigrette tries to straighten his back out while Widget jumps on him repeatedly until the right cracks were heard. The soldiers began to make their camp by setting the tents, gathering resources, and foraging or hunting for food. "You feel better yet, brother?" Vinaigrette asked. The money was still on the boat anchored near the shore, counted and guarded by three of their men.

Ammo Baron III "Kinda- Crack! Ouch! You can stop now, Widget!"
Widget "Sorry bro, just trying to get that last kink out of your system." She jumps off of him as ordered and goes on to working inside the main gazebo.
Vinaigrette "Why do we even have dealings with the likes of them anyways? Didn't they cause the Dreary Curse?" After her massage Ammo Baron III finally gotten himself straight to normal.
Ammo Baron III "Well... Sorta. Our old man says it differently from what I've heard. But they have an abundance of gold down in that cavern of theirs and you know for a fact that Arms Master would never say no to-"
Widget "Hey bro- I mean, commander! The console's all set up for communication!" Widget comes out of Ammo Baron's gazebo with a Wise-Tone in hand. "It's all linked to for your report."
Ammo Baron III "Good. Now leave me be for the mean time and watch over our men. You both know the drill." Vinaigrette and Widget saluted and went on with the protocol: all soldiers are to patrol around the island for more resources to keep them preoccupied and to never go near the gazebo or listen in until their commander comes out.

As he entered his gazebo, the protocol was initiated. Though it was a tent, it was dark as night inside even though it was the middle of the cloudy day. With the press of a button, the monitor of the console was activated showing only an empty chatroom. He dons a headset and begins a video call. One directly contacting his highest superior, his grandfather the Arms Master. At first it window was fuzzy, but he typed him some adjustments to find an image of someone. "Hello sir? Can you read me?"

Arms Master "Yes, I can hear you." His voice was aloud and old, his was the voice of an old war veteran who's seen too many battles for his own good.
Ammo Baron III "The deal went smoothly as always, but they never like your weapon designs. No matter how many times we showed them, they wouldn't take the bait. What's up with that?"
Arms Master "I'd be offended by that, but not today. What did you get from Midas 40?"
Ammo Baron III "Vinaigrette made contact with them while we were parked in the underground harbor, they weren't able to take anything significant from the vault yet. They're still skulking around scattered in every district of that old city in disguise finding other ways to get in and steal their collectables. I just hope none of those pickpockets fess up to those Warcraft whatever they're called."
Arms Master "I see. Anything else?"
Ammo Baron III "Hmm... Well one of them thought they've seen a Djinn fighting for them- two of them in fact!"
Arms Master "What? Two?!" The screen finally got clear enough to see an old cyclops clad in thick bulky armor with gun turrets mounted on his shoulder guards. In his mind, he's only involved with a few Djinns in his possession and non of them haven't been awakened yet. "What did they look like?"
Ammo Baron III "Uhh... They described the first one stopping their raid on Trove Snipe, said to be on fire or something, and the other one was a purple haired girl sitting in their mall. They were gonna kidnap her, until they were arrested by some fatso."
Arms Master "Fire? Purple Haired?" The iron monger of guns w puzzled for his memories started to haunt him for unknown reasons. The fire djinn wasn't any of the Djinns they've captured, but the purple haired one sounds very familiar to him, like a sting of many failures that he never wants to remember. "Was her hair in a ponytail?"
Ammo Baron III "Does that part matter-"
Arms Master "Yes!!!" His interruption was bellowing and impatient, fearful enough to make his own kin almost curl up from his fury. But the Arms Master sits back in his seat after calming himself. "Yes... If to whom you're describing is who I think it is, then I have some work for you to do. I want you to call back the Midas 40, they can't fight something as powerful as them."
Ammo Baron III "Then what can?"
Arms Master "I have something in mind. Do as I say and have your sister Vinaigrette write up a request poster towards Trove Snipe and only to Trove Snipe." The rest of the conversation was said in hushed tones as he dismisses in the end of his transmission.

Ammo Baron III orders Vinaigrette to do so and radios in the rest of what remains of Midas 40 to retreat out of the underground city not risking their exposure any longer. In the lair of Arms Master's base, he goes into a dark hanger and uses a communication device in his ears. "Alright you, I got a job for you at last." Arms Master gestures the hanger to open it reveal something snorting and steam with eyes of burning crimson. It was finally time to unveil the most feared and greatest weapon of the entire world. With a snap of the fingers, he ordered it to wait in a designated area. If anyone enters its proximity, it will annihilate anything from existence.

Hi guys! Missed me? I was still working things out with my life and I was in a slump. But I got my second wind back and I got myself a proper schedule. From now on, I'm try to post this story around the weekend if I can. If I haven't that means I'm still working things out in my brain. See ya next time.
- Kanadzuchi

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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