The Law Enforcement Sanctum: Warcraft Swords

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After departing from the vehicle elevator, Roman drove his cargo from the abandoned areas an into the streets of unknown territory with actual living people, a rarity to behold for a skeleton of his background. But all he found upon his exit was a fat guy turning white on him from just a mere stare. It was amazing that he could fit into such a small space, it was funny enough to hurt his ribs, and that's saying something. The people were moderately pleasant, just enough to way hello even though a few of them got startled by his appearance at first sight. The rest of the people were a little bit bored or lethargic, mostly seen sitting down or walking aimlessly to their destinations. Compared to everyone down here, he and Rotty might be deemed the liveliest people here. Excited to see this new place, Roman thought to himself that he could just find Korah's Guild himself, beside he forgot to give him directions to where this place is.

Mostly he ventured through every cavernous neighborhoods, unknowingly going further and further away from his destination. Every block he rode through becomes more dank and more depressing, only seeing more of what he might perceive as the ghettos. It went on for about an hour until the cart's own fuel was running out, coming to a complete halt. Where he stopped at was fairly lit and was actually a bit more like robust and hardy. From what he could see, it looked like some sort of military compound: training soldiers in hand to hand, taming monsters from the deep, and doing drills and exercises with various weapons. When trying to find its gas tank, a short soldier clad in red armor walks up to him s bag of bones's predicament. "Do you need help, sir?"

Roman "🤔Huh? Who said that?"
Soldier "😒Down here, sir..." Roman looks down and sees what looks like a child playing soldier armed with a khopesh and a rifle, he was as high as to Korah's neck.
Roman "Oh! I didn't see you there son."
Soldier "😒I get that a lot, sir. As I asked before, do you need any help, sir."
Roman "Well since you asked, where am I exactly?"
Soldier "My guess is that you're new here. This is the Combat and Law Enforcement Training Base of the Warcraft Swords; sole protectors and law enforcer of what's left of Gearton. And where your unlicensed vehicle is parked in front of right now is the sanctum of the Warcraft Sword's Guild Hall. We have an array of security measures and emergency hotlines on 24/7, making sure the citizens and the guilds don't cross the line. We already had an issue with the scholars of the Remnant Artisans attacking Trove Snipe a few months ago where we didn't have enough men on staff due to starfish krakens attacking the north-northwest area where Aqua Circuit's hydro power plants are-"
"Whaddoyah mean you don't need our weapons!?" A loud scruffy voice bellows from inside the guild hall, where a conversation can be easily heard. "I want to see your superior, right NOW!!"
"High General Mathias has said this before and I quote, your weapons are not even necessary nor do we need them. We had our own steady supply right here, so please leave sir."
"My weapons far surpass yours by a mile! I'll even demonstrated for you right now! Wait, what the-" After that last comment, the sounds of punching and pummeling filled the air with the echoes of broken bones and and screaming man babies. Soldiers of a different blue uniform were tossed out of the guild hall and over Roman and his cargo one by one at an alarming pace. The last one ones to be tossed out farther than the pile was a mono-eyed with a tuff of blond and two girls wearing similar uniforms if not a bit skimpy. Loud stomps can be heard from the guild halls front stairs, showing an extremely intimidating figure wearing a red military cloak, a bronze Viking worthy beard, and a chest full of hair and scars, he was clearly the size of two men with a face of pure murder. This was the leader of the Guild Hall, High General Mathias and following right next to him was a young lady where glasses and the voice speaking against these opposing soldiers: Second General Melissa.
High General Mathias "As I said before, your weapons are of no use to us here, they lack precision, they lack the safety for others around the user, and they spell death and fear with just a mere sight of the barrel." The large figure walked over the cart caravan like a piece of log in the way, while she walked around it. "I don't want to do this to you again, Maggot Baron."
Ammo Baron III "Grrrrrr..... It's Ammo Baron to you!" This hefty one eyed thug flipped himself up while trying to stand his ground with his two assistances rallying to his side. "Remember, I got you all that ammunition you needed for your own wimpy gun sword things for your savage soldiers like this dinky guy right there and-"
High General Mathias "That's all I expect from you, nothing else." The mighty Mathias stood firm above this unworthy person. "Our agreement was to supply our military arms with ammunition and rations in exchange for gold as payment. Nothing. Else!" Due to his large stature, he had to kneel down to get to a frightening eye level with his low brow man. "We forge our own weapons even before the flooding our city and their creation has been evolving with us for years. Yours are just too large and dangerous for even my own general to wield, let alone the ridiculous amount of gunpowder that can be easily drenched in rainwater." One of the Ammo Cadets was wielding said weapon: a supposed sub machine gun which looks more like an elongated gatling gun that required the soldier to holster it like a rocket launcher. The sheer weight of it collapsed on the wielder, instantly leaving him unconscious. "I rest my case with that ✌demonstration✌of yours." He hangs over a crate sized suitcase full of $1'670'000 world of one dollars. "Take this and go!"

As he drops his payment unto this loudmouth cyclops, it nearly crushed him but he manages to miraculous carry it on his own. Ammo Baron III "Trust me, you need my weapons soon enough. Vinaigrette! Widget! We're heading out!" Second-in-Commander Vinaigrette the Rabbit commanded the cadets to help carry unload all the supplies for the purchase as Head Engineer Widget the Raccoon took out a car lifting tool to help lift the case from her boss, resulting in a crunched version of a man walking on stumps. His last grunts and appearance left a few of the Warcraft Swords snickering as they all departed for their vessel as the left the harbor into the ravenous flooding seas. This made the old guild master of the military sigh in fatigue and lethargy, having to deal with this nuisance ever supply run he had to call in. Since the rest of the world blames Gearton for the unspeakably bad global weather, there were none to actually help them in their endeavors; reducing themselves to gain help from more black market dealings, like this Third Generation Warmonger who calls himself Ammo Baron III.

Second General Melissa "I'm sorry for not finding a better agency to deal with, High General."
High General Mathias "It's alright my child, no one would really want to help us otherwise..." The old man remembers the golden years before the dreary curse, working as Gearton's Chief of Police and his daughter was only a child. "What went wrong with the world to hate us this much..." All the while in his state of nostalgia, one of the two elephants in the room tries to get their attention.
Soldier "Uhh, Ma'am? Ma'am~?"
Second General Melissa "What is it soldier?" Melissa finally takes notice of the half pint soldier, who salutes to his superiors.
Soldier "Uhh yes! My apologies for  interrupting your business general, but this civilian is in need of our help." He shows the cargo caravan where Roman slowly presents himself, skittish due to the fear of becoming this huge guy's bone pick or skull dice.
Roman"😥Hehe... 😁Hey there. I- I'm just a little lost here, and I'm just wonderin' if ya-" A pair of giant fingers picked him up and brought him between the soldier and Melissa, shaking like the most nervous maraca in a mariachi band. The hand that picked him up was was the biggest guy near them without giving away his motions. He bent over to the best of abilities, revealing his all natural looks. From up close he'd be comparable to Santa Claus's tropical twin brother with two minor scars and wearing a bandana, he looked like the friendliest giant that can make children laugh in glee and the biggest grandfather to go home to.
High General Mathias "☺️May I be of any assistance to you my good man?" In an earnest voice, he acts like a peddler wanting to satisfy a waiting costumer.
Roman"Uhh, well, yes! Actually. You see, I'm actually trying to find a certain guild hall, good sir. Trove Snipe, known where it might be, by chance?"
Second General Melissa "Trove Snipe? That's several blocks opposite to your vehicle's direction. What's your purpose, stranger?"
Roman"Oh! That's right. I haven't properly introduced myself- Ahem, My name is Roman, Former Reporter of the Times New Roman News. I'm here to deliver some incredulously incredible and imperative information for the Guild Master of Trove Snipe; a uhh, Mister Clifford Effete?
High General Mathias " And your business with him?"
Roman "No, I believe this involves all of us." Roman rummages through of the boxes and shows them an assortment of photos that shocked them in awe.


Hey guys, sorry this took longer than usual but it was writer's block. Not the best chapter I've come up with but I'll try to make it more interesting in the next one. Hope you liked it.
- Kanadzuchi

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