The Dark Restoration

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In the next room, an experiment unlike any other was in progress: a cage of undead begging for freedom, several zombies strapped down one tables being drained of energy through unholy machines, four statues of Djinns set as the center of the makeshift lab absorbing said energies. The entire experiment was all run by a single menacing machine, powered by another Djinn Emblem as its core. The sheer sight was appalling to witness as Korah peers that the machine takes whatever life they had left and either shriveling them into dust or turning them to crumbling statues. All that energy channeled to the decrepit remains of a monster of the past, ending in a failure.

The one overseeing the experiment was a tall and wide cloaked figure, some sort of sorcerer, angered to see its unsatisfying results yet again. He passes by each "dead" Djinn only to see that they remain dormant and inactive: a Scorpion Man, a Twin-Tailed Cat Monster, and a Bipedal Orthos. These would have been promising thralls for his army, but this last Djinn looked rather odd yet it was resonating with a glint of life from its shut eyes; and what that meant was that this one was particularly different from the three menageries he wanted instead. This was more human and is more likely to restore, yet in the sorcerer sees no interest in something less intimidating.

After the sight of seeing their brethren gone and truly dead, the caged zombies moved to one corner and shirked in fear of being next. Soon they were even frightened by the beacon of a crystal ball signaling that a contact is calling, so the Cloaked Sorcerer answered it and the orb projected a light on the wall making a fuzzy screen. Once the screen was finally working, their was nothing but another dark figure contacting. This one had no other distinct feature yet, except for three red lines assumed to be a visor.

Other Contact"Hello there, my old friend." said in a deep auto tuned voice. "It seems that we were all busy during the pass sixteen years."
Cloaked Sorcerer"I do hope your faring better with your progress as I am. Ever since the Dreary Century was initiated again, I am very scarce of test subjects for the Djinns "
Other Contact"Hmph! At least your not babysitting the same idiot for the few centuries! You're older than any of us combined!"
Cloaked Sorcerer"The magic I've mastered far surpass your "innovative" science, what you've done is an affront-no, an abomination to nature itself!"
Other Contact"You're the one to talk! You delve in Black Magic, that's just as bad if not worse!!"
Cloaked Sorcerer"Hmm... Touché. But enough of this, how many Djinns did you revive with your emblems?"
Other Contact"Ahem- So far... Umm... One."
Cloaked Sorcerer"I'm actually impressed. Let us just hope your Djinn is more capable in our plans than the one I'm about to awaken."
Other Contact"Don't get your hopes up, this one was rather... Undisciplined as the others."
Cloaked Sorcerer"Aren't they all? You except them to become your servant and serve their loyalty to you on a silver platter? You must use their emblems to control them, have you forgotten Techno Baron?"
Other Contact"It's Cyber Master to you now, Hypno Baron."
Cloaked Sorcerer"My apologies~. But remember, we must reach our goal as soon as possible. And by the way," The sorcerer raises his black skeletal hand at the crystal ball and shocks it with dark energy, tasering Cyber Master for a second. "Oh, and it's Hex Master to you. You'll take longer to actually threaten me and I can get you from just in here. Now get on with your work."
Cyber Master"groan, you will regret this sooner or later. But fine, over and out!" As the connections broke and the transmission gone, Hex Master summons creatures similar to the Tinkerbats, except they were assassin's garments instead of pirate duds.
Hex Master"Now my Cryptobats, continue the experiment and set up some new test subjects. I will need to retire to my chambers until then." As he steps on a glowing platform he informs his minions one last time, "I am not to be disturbed for now, and be sure to record your progress with the Save Sage in the next room."

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