The Failed Assault

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In the Odyssey Mall in the more sketchier parts in the crevacies between the food court and the Q&A Office, a tussle could be heard around the alley entrance where a thing was tossed outside crashing into one of the mall's lampposts. That idiot was clobbered and singed with his clothes of burnt cuts. The other pursuers were armed with knives and silencers supposedly meant to sedate Korah, yet to the guild's knowledge that wasn't enough to take him.

In the alleyway, the three remaining thugs stayed close to each other looking out for their target, who now is their hunter and they the prey. One wore a beanie, and the other two in a hoodie, having a mere thought of Korah's next move made them paranoid to the point of seeing shadows as him and begin to question why they're even getting this kid. Before this, they were inform that he was the weakest of Team Pincer, perfect for capture and ransom, yet three of them were taken out so easily in a flash of flame and ash. Everything happened so fast that the group didn't even have a chance to calculated any strategic action.

In one wrong move, one of the thugs backs away from the group and a glowing red hook appeared right behind him, fishing him by the collar of his shirt and into the manmade canopy. Punches and cracks were heard from above with the last thing to hear was a scream of being beaten, making one of them scared of their mind. Scared enough to run out of the alley only to get beaten around the corner where he ran. The last one was stunned in paralyzing fear, and what made him drop on the floor was his target ferociously lands in front of him.

As the last guy backs away to a pile of garbage at the dead end, Korah slowly walks towards him with glowing eyes of sunburst gold and a face most displeasing. When the man was backed into a disgusting corner, Korah grabs him by the collar and pins him on the wall at his eye level. Korah was still sort of short compared to the rest of his age group, he's the same height as Shantae which she's 5'8". The guy he's nearly choking has his knees bent when he's against the wall as his eye level.

Enough of that now, Korah leers at him as he removes his hat recognizing the scars on his cheek. They were healed but legibly read "Thief", this was the same misfit that led that radical group of Remnant Scholars near the vault. He was the one of the leading members of Midas 40, Burt the Ballbuster.

Korah"😠 You.... You still haven't learned your lesson, have you!"
Burt"😰Look man! I was, uhh, warnin' them that you're a lost cause to catch-"
Korah"😡Don't bother lying! What's gonna happen to you is that you and your Midas cronies are gonna go away and leave me alone! If you idiots can't get that straight, then it's straight to the grave for you, 😡🔪Got it!?"
Burt"😱Oh god, please don't kill me!"
Korah"😠Then tell me why you're after me."
Burt"It ain't you we're aftah'. It ya' girlfriend." Korah eyes flared wide in anger as he slams him into the wall, causing him to agonize in pain.
Korah"You sick demented creep!! 🔪I'm gonna-"
Wallis"✋Woah, woah, woah, mate! Hold on!" Wallis grabs him by the hood and drags him away from the "thief", but slams his  giant hand on the guy from escaping. "Don't need to get crazy again. Remember last time? The guy almost didn't make it to the emergency room 'cause of you. And we don't need that again, do we?"
Korah"😠Wallis, this was the guy who trashed our guild with those Remnant scholars, he's going after Shantae next!"
Korah"😤Uhh- I mean- Sherry! He's going after Sherry!"
Wallis"😠Is that so? Well no problem with that mate, I already took care it for you. Follow me."

Wallis grabs the guy in his giant fat fist as he leaves with Korah, seeing that the five crooks he's beaten are tied up in and iron chain ball. As he returns to his table in the food court, his table had "Sherry" reading one of her books as a pile of the Midas members were tied up in and iron chain pile and covered in bruises and broken bones but still breathing. Wallis told Korah that he warned the guards patrolling the food court to evacuate the locals and leave the vandals to him, after his "tussle" with the hidden members he chained them into the pole before them. Korah questions where his fat friend keeps all this chains, until it was answered when Wallis's pants fell down, revealing large XXXLG boxers with salmon patterns.

Korah"😱Oh gosh, my eyes... They burn."
The Midas thugs became disgusted and and moaned from that dirty fact.
Wallis"😑Alright, we get it! It was part of my man girdle, okay!? Now can we interrogate this hooligans?"
Korah"😕D'umm... Can you just take them to my dad at the guild? I'm kinda in a hurry."
Wallis"😧What?! Are you joking!? They were after you- well, mostly your girlfriend here-"
Korah"😫She's not my girlfriend! She's just a girl who happens to travel around and took up residence at the Moonlit Nestle, okay!?"
Wallis"😑Hmm... That's not what I heard from her."
Korah"😧What! What did she say!?"
Wallis"😏Oh, nothing special. All she told me is that she's your master and she is to "service" you. Care to explain young man?"
Korah"😨Well- uhh- You see- 😰d'umm- 😗Look! Lil' Fishy's selling chutney for 2 Gild a piece!"
Wallis"😍What- Where!?" Wallis spies at the Lil' Fishy's line and didn't see any change in value. "😠What are talking about mate, I don't see any-😳" Korah was gone along with Shantae and his bought goods, leaving nothing but an I.O.U. on the table and a thief with a large punch bruise on his face and his shirt with an unsightly tatter. He didn't hear any punches thrown. "😑... Aw poop."

In one of the streams of crowds below the lowest level of the mall, Korah and Shantae were walking back to his home with holding onto his shirt. After he calmed down during their way back, he took out a new emblem in his hand. He stole it from the thief who had it on his shirt, the reason for his theft was the design of it was similar to what he owns right now. The Ifrit and Kraken emblems have similar diamond designs but are a bit bigger then the one he stoled. This emblem was that of a black cat with red stripes, it wasn't as intimidating but it must've one of Typhon's lesser emblems.

He should consider consulting his teammates about this, of what he saw in Shantae's memories and who he found out about these, but will they be reasonable enough to understand or will they think he's selfish for keeping her away from the guild. To a treasure hunter, treasure is everything to them, but when it comes to a wish making genie they will do anything for wishes even if it means turning on themselves. Guild Master Clifford made certain that didn't happen to any of his guild members so he gave them a choice of sharing their findings or keeping it to themselves, insuring no one else would steal amongst one another.

More importantly, why did scum like Burt have this on him? It might have been a good idea to actually get some info out of him before they left. Either way, he'll have to face his father after his second interrogation with the guy. It might have been paranoia, but Korah believes that maybe Midas 40 knows more about Shantae than they led on. To the civilians they're terrifying, but they're no match against the guilds that is until a few days ago when this lowlife managed to nearly pin Remnant Academy against Trove Snipe. A very big mistake, especially against the financing power of Gearton.

As they near the Moonlit Lift, Korah tried to use the mirror to contact Tuki on how's she doing but he forgot to ask her how it works. He tries every phase he could think of to activate, until he said something stupid.

Korah"Uhh, Activate! ... Open sesame!... 😖D'oh, Mirror Mirror in my hand.... D'ahh... Who's the fairest in the land?" 💠The mirror reacts and shows Shantae right next to him. "Huh?" 😳Korah blushed and looks back at Shantae who responds by back.
Shantae"Is there something wrong?" As he looks into her eyes, they have more of their shine than before. Which made Korah blush even more so.
Korah"😖D'ahh... Nothing!"

Korah looks away from her from embarrassment. And out of said embarrassment, he picks up more speed trying to look away from Shantae until he crashes the cart right into his elevator causing the stuff on top to topple over and spill, nearly blocking the elevator's doors. This drew some attention from bystanders, but not enough to cause a commotion. After getting his stuff back up, the two moved on and went to the elevator leaving nothing behind except for a cup of spilled French fries dirtied and unfit to eat off of.

During their ascend from the underground into the penthouse, Shantae carried a terrible feeling of being in trouble thinking that she did something wrong to Korah. He on the other hand, shied away from her fearing of having a heart attack. His face was red hot and sputtered at the thought of having feelings for her.


... I regret nothing!!
- Kanadzuchi

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