The Lonely Dead

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Korah creeps towards her anticipating a lunge from her and sees that she was... Sweating? That fact was never known about zombies still retaining sweat glands, either that or the spray from the open sea around them. He wondered if the knife that pinned her had anything to do with it, it was a magnificent find up close but did it have magic properties? Her struggle then turns into spasms as she was lashing wanting to "mate" with anyone closest to her, but her eyes of lust then turned into eyes of shock as the knife was plunged back into her heart slowing making her sultry expression into one of sadness.

Korah slowly lies her back down and her eyes slowly close once more returning back into her slumber, he'd want to do it but what other choice can he do. In her state, she won't cooperate and all she wants to do is gone in his pants. Korah wasn't mentally ready for that kind of relationship just yet anyway , even though he's one year away of becoming 18. This chastity problem of his started because of Maxine meeting him years ago and tried to used him to make his stepbrother jealous by-

Rottytops"Shan... Tae.." Oh wait what!? Ahem, Korah heard one last thing from her lips before she fell into her sleep with a glimmering tear running down her cheek.
Korah 🤔So, is this the same Rottytops? One of Shantae's best friends?

From the legends he's read with Shantae, Rottytops was the mischief maker in most of them, mostly she just wanted a bite from her Genie girlfriend. But over time as she met her soul in the underworld, all Rotty wanted was a friend. After that they were pretty solid from then on, sometimes. But he can't really tell if this was her or not; the person he heard was a bit of a flirt and teasing Shantae, but this girl tried to eat him alive- insert innuendo. Korah pets her out of pity for her situation, until he feels cold blood on his claws.

A bit frantic, he looks and feels around her head to find out where she was bleeding. After coursing through her hair, he felt something on the left side of her scalp. The clouds above them began to rain down as usual and Korah zeroes in at the spot, finding out that there was a piece of gold metal stuck in her head. It looked very painful and deep, so he called Roman to find a medical kit if there was one. The bony captain was finished putting himself together and set the steering wheel on auto, where he took out a crate with the Red Cross.

The rain soon got heavier and dosed Korah's flames, turning him back to normal yet sad. The cold raindrops quelled his untamed transformation but the rain was filling her coffin up which forced him to move her underneath the ships cover. Korah wasn't a medical professional, but Roman on the other hand was fully capable of performing surgery. Every zombie had to have learn such things, because of them falling apart and stuff. As Korah sets up the medical equipment to his bony friend's orders, Roman examined the foreign object to see what he could do for her.

As long as she's not hostile he'll help, Korah made sure that she wouldn't move just by gestures to get to the obvious knife impaling her. He wanted that to go last until he finishes with the metal shard stuck in her head. Any zombie can repair themselves of body parts, but the brain is hard to work around. One wrong move and he could end her, the only way a zombie could die is brain damage, hence a good theory why they eat brains. He tells Korah to stay by his side as his nurse a small begins the procedure.

An extensive hour passed as they finished the removal of the shard and found out what it was. They couldn't believe that there was another Djinn Emblem stuck inside her, Roman sterilized it alcohol and places the others three on the tray. Korah takes them back into his possession and looks at the new one: an emblem with the face of a incubus boy with with purple wings. During the suturing, He wondered why this was in her skull and why these "Masters" had them too. Did the emblems have more power then just for transformations?

{You have obtained the Alp Emblem!}

He needed to collect them in order to restore Shantae to her former self, but what kind of powers can these be used for? It was demonstrated to him that they were still connected to the petrified Djinn, what was their plan? Those thoughts were then shelved for another time as Roman asked him to if he could remove the blade now. A little skittish at first, but he acquiesced and slowly removed the knife for safety. Once removed, the boney amateur surgeon made a quick suture to close the wound and voila, good as new.

Roman"She should be good right now. I just hope that her brain's still intact."
Korah"I think she's okay, 😧look!" Rottytops was breathing normally at last and sound asleep.
Roman"😏Alrighty then. I'll go back to helm, I think we're nearin' our destination."
Korah"😧You sure?"
Roman"Eyup. See fer yourself, son." He hands him a telescope and looks through the endless rain, seeing the buildings of Gearton straight ahead.
Korah"😄Yes! Land Ho!"
Roman"😶What land?"
Korah"😳..... 😒Whatever. Just look for the tallest building and we're there."

They carefully venture through the harbor and onto the waters of the overflowing streets, the currents may seem strong but it was no task for to Roman's Boat: the SS Shingles. This was Roman's first time ever seeing Gearton, even though it's nothing more than a half sunken city of ruins. In his time, the only way to get in here was either by guest invitation from one of of its residences, a city grant as an inventor, or special guest from its co founders. Seeing all of the world's greatest feats of technology going down into ruins was a shameful sight to witness.

Roman wondered how Korah managed to live here for so long, once he asked he was giving the truth: everyone that remained here actually lived underground beneath the water. He didn't quite understand what he meant by, but Korah told him about how his people survived by developing an underground system beneath the city before the tremendous rainstorms got worse. All that he knew was that the last of the city's greatest inventors and engineers died trying to create the perfect infrastructure for the underground system, working tirelessly to the brink of death by fatigue.

They couldn't even call for assistance from the outside world for they blame them for starting it. Some countries say that the Geartons angered an unknown deity and cast an eternal flood which was spread around the world by dismissing the beliefs in the afterlife, that might explain why this was happening. But to Roman, this doesn't add up: he suspects that the Dark Master that was torturing the zombies of Bonesdale was involved in this some how. Korah was thinking of the same thing, and with his help his guild will find out how to stop the unending apocalypse that is the Dreary Century.

As they traverses across the city waters nearing the Moonlit Nestle, Rottytops wakes up once more, this time in a less violent matter. She finds herself in the coffins and seats herself up to see she's on a boat unknown to its destination. Feeling a little exposed, she holds the blanket covering her close and sees Korah and Roman watching and driving the boat. Korah's sensation of being watched and finds her fully awake.
Cold Dead Blade
Scorpius Emblem
Orthos Emblem
Nekomata Emblem
Alp Emblem

My apologies for being very late with this fanfic, but I was in such a slump coming up with Shantae's side story. It's still in the works but I'll try to finish this segment first. Until next time.
- Kanadzuchi

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