Chapter 3: I Meet Up With Percy and Annabeth

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We arrived to class only to find out that we were fifteen minutes early. So, Reyna and I decided to walk around the school for a bit.

We spotted into two sophomores side by side in the hallway who looked vaguely familiar. I called them, to see if I remembered their names right.

"Annabeth? Percy?"

The two of them turned towards me.

"Oh, hi Jason!" Percy waved.

Percy ran up to me and gave me a bear hug. Annabeth did the same for Reyna.

"So, it's been quite a while!" Reyna greeted the two of them.

"Yeah, almost a year since we saw each other in that trip to the museum!" Percy grinned. "That was when I pushed Nancy Bobofit into the fountain! Oh and by the way, have you met Mr. Brunner yet?"

"Yep. He's our Latin teacher," I responded.

"Well, he's the nicest teacher I've ever had, and BELIEVE me. I've been kicked out of enough schools to know," Percy laughed and rolled his eyes. "Stupid ADHD."

"Tell me about it," I agreed. I leaned in and whispered in Percy's ear:

"So... Are you and Annabeth dating yet?" I whispered.

Percy blushed. I'd bet you a hundred dollars that he had a crush on Annabeth since last year. The thing is, he has never admitted it.

"Are you CRAZY?!!" Percy burst out. "We're just best friends!"

Reyna giggled. "Yeah. Riiiiiiight. JUST best friends. Nothing more."

Annabeth piped up. "Shut up!" I could see Annabeth's face turning as red as a tomato. I laughed along.

"What about you and Reyna? You two have been best friends for AGES!" Annabeth snapped back.

Reyna and I looked at each other and fell silent. I've never really thought about my feelings toward her before. I guess, I've only looked at her as a friend. A best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. But did Reyna think so? Nah. She probably doesn't like me "in that way." Honestly, that would just be too awkward.

I looked at my watch. It was almost time for math.

"We'll, uh, see you two lovebirds―" I said as I nudged Reyna. "―later. Reyna and I need to get to math class now!"

Percy groaned. "Lucky. I've got to get to English. Stupid dyslexia!"

Annabeth and Reyna giggled. I heard Reyna whisper, "Percy's kinda cute."

"Well, that's because you're a Seaweed Brain," Annabeth teased and nudged Percy.

"Shut up!" Percy grumbled. "Just because you're smart... Owl Face!"

"That's kind of a lame insult, bro," I nudged Percy.

"Well, cut me some slack. It's hard for me to insult a smart person, especially if that smart person looks so prett―" Percy stopped in mid-sentence. "Oh, uh, bye guys!"

I saw Annabeth blush.

"Come on, Percy. We're gonna be late!" Annabeth rushed Percy off. "See you later!" Annabeth waved us goodbye.

Reyna and I walked to math class.

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