Chapter 13: I Dream About Frick Frack

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Author's Note:

I have written a little bit of smut in this chapter... Don't worry, it's not too graphic as I know there are many young people reading this. I also felt very uncomfortable writing this chapter, but it was necessary. Jason needs to feel really disturbed by the end of this chapter. Don't kill me pls.


As I was walking, I couldn't help but think about all of the things that had happened today. When I first bumped into Piper, I felt certain that she was the one for me. Now, I wasn't too sure. And, no matter how much I tried, I couldn't forget Reyna. I couldn't forget how happy she was with Will, and how envious and jealous of him I was.

Do I still like Reyna? Yes.

Do I like Piper? Yes.

Who do I like more? I'm not sure.

I mean, I like Piper, but I don't know her as a full person yet, since it's just the first day. But I felt something when I was with her.

But, I've known Reyna since fifth grade. And we had a spark back then. If I weren't so stupid and I asked her to be my girlfriend last year, we could have been in a relationship now.

I smacked my head.

Jason Grace, you are one, stupid little nut.

As I approached my house, I saw my foster parents waiting for me outside.

"Jason!" I heard my mom cry. I ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"How was your first day of school?" She asked me.

"Mom, it's not really my first day of school, it's my first day of high school. Big difference," I responded.

My dad crept up from behind my mom and laughed. "My boy is so tall now!" he said, while rubbing my hair. I pouted.

"Jason, you look like a dog!" My dad said, as he kept rubbing my hair. I stopped pouting.

"So, are you going to tell us anything about high school? Did you meet new friends? How were your teachers? Was the food good?" My mom threw the questions at me so fast that I couldn't quite catch them all.

"Yeah, I met some pretty cool new people, and I saw Percy and Annabeth," I responded.

My mom gasped. "So, are they, by any chance, dating yet?" She smirked. My dad nudged her.

"No, apparently they're just best friends," I said.

"What about you and Reyna? Did you finally ask her to be your girlfriend?" My dad asked, raising an eyebrow.

I stayed silent.

"Did something happen between you and Reyna?" asked my mom.

I kept silent.

"It must be another girl," my dad said, finally breaking the silence. The look on my face told him he was right.

My mom's face lit up with excitement. "Ooh, a girl! Is she pretty? Is she nice? Is she smart? Oh, is she tall? Is she-"

I interrupted. "I don't wanna talk about it," I murmured.

"Are you sure, sweetie? Because-"

"I said, I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!" I fumed. My mom jumped back in surprise.

My face was burning up. I'd already had a messed-up day, and my parents were trying their best to make it better, but they were unknowingly making it worse. I stormed upstairs to my room.

I threw my backpack on the bed and cried. I smacked my head while murmuring to myself, "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

Why hadn't I asked Reyna to be my girlfriend last year? Was I too scared? Was I moving too fast? Did I like someone else?

I stayed on the bed and slept. Heck, I was tired.

I had a dream.

(Dream starts)

It was a beautiful evening. I saw myself, all grown and tall. I look... better than I thought I would. I was holding a textbook. I couldn't read the title, but I saw the word "university" on it. So, obviously, this was the future me.

I saw Piper walking alongside me, hand in hand. I grabbed her hand and brought her to my dorm room, and what happened next was a bit hazy... I think I was drunk. Next thing I knew, Piper was on top of me wearing just a bra and underwear, kissing me passionately. Piper was kissing me everywhere, from my lips to my neck, to my other parts. I moaned in happiness. Wait... am I having a dream of me having the frick frack?!! With PIPER?!! I checked to see if I was wearing protection (which I was). Even though this was just a dream, it felt surprisingly good. 

I closed my eyes and breathed out deeply. When I opened my eyes, it wasn't Piper I was frick fracking with.  It was Reyna, wearing a bikini. Reyna looked beautiful. She was giving me a french kiss. I hated to admit this, but Reyna was really good at this. We moaned simultaneously, and it felt good.  Reyna kept murmuring my name under my breath.

I closed my eyes for a good minute.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Piper and Reyna both motioning for me on the bed. They were both naked. I looked away. I felt so pressured. In my head, a voice echoed:

Choose one. You must choose one, Jason. Choose one. Choooooose one.

(Dream ends)

I woke up, startled. I smacked my head. I felt very disturbed and uncomfortable, especially since I had just dreamed about frick fracking Reyna and Piper. I looked at my alarm clock. It was 12:05 AM. I don't know if I could ever look at Reyna and Piper the same without imagining them naked... I shuddered and closed my eyes. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't.

Then it dawned on me... I hadn't eaten dinner yet.

I tiptoed downstairs to the fridge and grabbed a burger. I happily munched and blocked out all dirty thoughts from my mind. As I was eating the burger, I sighed.

I felt really confused. I mean, I've been smacked by a brick when I was younger once, so I guess that's why I feel so messed up right now. I don't know who to choose.

But then, I realized: Tomorrow is just another day. It's just my second day of high school. More days will come. And besides, prom is a few months away, so there's nothing for me to worry about.

I threw away the tin foil and tiptoed quietly upstairs to my room. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. Pretty soon, I fell fast asleep.

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