Chapter 14: I Eat a Banana in a Blue Box

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When I opened my eyes, the alarm clock was beeping like crazy. I glanced at it. It was 8:30 AM. 8 fucking 30 AM. I'm late. Again. I'm going to need a freaking miracle to get to school in time. I quickly showered, ate my breakfast, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and left.

As I dashed out of the door, I realized:

I forgot to do my math homework.

Oh well. Yolo.

As I was running, I saw... a big blue telephone police box thing appear right in front of me. It looked so fascinating. I walked right into it. I was already late, so what the hell, right? Walking in the box, I saw David Tennant and Billie Piper. I smacked my head. I know them from this TV series, but I forgot which one. I started to wonder how it was so much bigger on the inside than the outside.

Billie Piper started to examine me. She turned towards David.

"Doctor, the TARDIS just stopped. What's he doing here? Is he an alien of some sort?" she asked.

The Doctor walked up to me. He lifted my cheek, sniffed my hair, and pinched my arm.

"Oww!" I exclaimed.

The Doctor turned towards Billie and said, "Oh, he's perfectly human, Rose Tyler. But  he's not a regular human, no."

I immediately spoke up. "I don't know if this is relevant, but Castiel and the Winchesters just visited me yesterday and said something about me being a... demigod?"

The Doctor looked confused for a second. "Ah, right. You along with 6 demigods are going to fight Mother Earth herself. I can't tell you the ending, but let's just say that you, Jason Grace, have a very important part to play in this."

Rose looked confused and turned towards the Doctor. "What are you talking about?"

The Doctor smiled at her. "I can't really be sure, but he's a powerful one, very brilliant. Thing is, he has a knack for bricks hitting him, it's quite ridiculous."

I looked shocked. "Well, yesterday morning some kid hit be with textbooks, not bricks."

The Doctor looked amused. "There you go." He looked at the clock. "Aren't you supposed to be going to the place you Earthlings call... what was it?"

"School!" Rose intervened.

The Doctor snapped his fingers and pointed at her. "That's it!"

"Yeah, well I'm already late, so I don't think I can make it in time," I said.

The Doctor looked at me and said, "Today's going to be a very important day for you, Grace. You need to get to school in time." He started to pace around the TARDIS. Suddenly, he stopped and grinned. "You can hitch a ride with us!"

Rose looked at him, worried. "Are you, sure, Doctor? He's just a kid."

The Doctor smiled at me. "It would be rather helpful to have a blonde Superman by our side."

I shook my head. "I..... I can't."

The Doctor looked surprised and burst out laughing.

"Oh, if you think I meant travelling with us, NO WAY! You have a very important job to do here on Earth, and we can't intervene. What I meant was, we could travel 30 minutes back in time and stay right here so you can go to school on time." He took out a small, bright device.

"What's that?" I said, pointing at it.

"It's a unicorn horn," he said, grinning. I look surprised, but Rose just nudged him.

"It's a sonic screwdriver, not a unicorn horn," she said, shaking her head. "And why are we going to help this boy get to school on time?"

"Because something very important is going to happen today, and he needs to be just in time for school, Rose, I've said this like, 3 times," the Doctor said, rolling his eyes. He walked to the other side of the TARDIS and grabbed a banana.

"Do you want one? Bananas are good!" he said, grinning at me. I gladly accepted it.

The Doctor powered up the TARDIS. He screamed, "Allons-y!" 

And there it was. The beautiful TARDIS sound. I sighed. In that moment, I saw the school. The good news; I wasn't late.

"Thanks for the banana, Doctor! And thank you, Rose Tyler!" I said, waving goodbye. While running to the door, I faintly heard the beautiful sound of the TARDIS. I looked back, and it was gone.

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