Chapter 20: The Human Torch vs. Aquaman

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The seven of us gathered in a circle as Annabeth started to murmur a plan.

"Alright, so this Dalek looks like a regular, functioning robot, which should indicate that it is prone to water. I guess we'll start with that," Annabeth stated.

"Wait, wait, wait. Who made you the boss, smarty-pants?" Leo said, whining.

"Well, she is the smartest one in the room, so I suggest that none of you don't argue," answered Percy.

Annabeth nudged Percy. "You've got that right. And your grammar is wrong. You used a double negative, therefore making it a positive. The correct grammar is 'I suggest none of you argue.' "

Percy looked confused, but then decided to go along with the flow.

"What was your point again? I blacked out a bit, since I kind of have ADHD. Like, I'm REALLY ADHD. Even just one sip of coffee makes me so hyper that it's actually kind of scary," Leo said, actually looking frightened.

A wave of confusion spread across the room as silence took over.

"Anyways, my point is, the Dalek might be destroyed if we use water, since it's technically an electronic," said Annabeth.

Percy interrupted. "I learned that the wrong way. I, erm, accidentally dropped my phone in a glass of water... It kind of fizzed."

All eyes were on Percy. It was silent for a moment, but Annabeth spoke up.

"Only you would be stupid enough to drop a phone in a glass of water," she concluded. Everyone burst out laughing. Percy's cheeks reddened.

Annabeth rubbed Percy's hair like he was a little puppy. She leaned towards him and whispered something inaudible in his ear. I don't know what she said, but Percy smiled. And from the corner of my eye, I swear I saw Venus grinning.

"I guess, I could try forming a wave and crashing it down on the little Dalek. I mean, it's almost like I'm Aquaman and I can control water," Percy shrugged.

"No, no. The room would get soaked, we would all get soaked," said Annabeth, with a grim expression on her face. "We need another solution."

"Ooh! Ooh! OOH! PICK ME! PICK ME!" Leo jumped into the air, looking as enthusiastic as ever.

"Leo?" said Annabeth as she rolled her eyes.

"I could totally burn the robot with my epically super awesome fire powers!" Leo grinned. "And besides, EVERYONE knows the Human Torch is better than Aquaman. He sucks."

"exCUSE me but Aquaman is amazing. He can talk to fish and other sea creatures, control water and fight, whereas the Human Torch just puts himself on fire. Where's the fun in that?" Percy put his hands on his hips.

"But fire is epic and awesomer than water!" Leo protested.

"First of all; awesomer is not a word. Second of all, no. Water can take out a fire, therefore beating it," Percy stated. He suddenly hit his hand on his mouth. "Oh my gods, I'm starting to sound like Annabeth."

Annabeth giggled. "At least you don't sound as stupid when you sound like me."

There was a series of nods and laughter all around the room, followed by a silent moment. Annabeth broke the silence.

"Alright, guys. We get it. You're both nerds and you read comic books," said Annabeth, rolling her eyes.

"Well, it's not MY fault. SOMEONE got me addicted to the Big Bang Theory," said Percy, glancing towards Annabeth.

Annabeth shrugged. "Point taken. But it wasn't my fault that you got so obsessed with it that you started collecting superhero collectibles. It was so funny, you even bought Superman underwear like Leonard did-"

Percy cupped Annabeth's mouth shut. "Shut up."

I forced myself not to laugh.

"How would you know that, Annabeth? Unless... You've seen his underwear before? In his house? In his... bedroom?" Leo butted in, with a smirk on his face.

Annabeth blushed and chuckled. "No, his mom tells me... stories. Sometimes, I'll just look at his face and laugh, because I just remember him being an idiot. Once, he even-"

"Alright, alright. Enough about me. How are we going to beat R2D2?" Percy exclaimed, with an exasperated andn embarrassed look on his face.


Author's Note:

Starting from today, I'll update this story once a week, since school starts in 2 weeks and I'll be busy til then. I'm not sure which day, but I'll let you know. Also, most of this was written while I was really tired and sleepy in a 2 hour plane ride from New York.

So, yeah. I just noticed that I'm most creative when I'm tired. Actually, most of this entire "book" has been written on days sometime around 1 AM - 5 AM while I'm watching a marathon. Sometimes, it's Doctor Who, or Psych, or Sherlock, or Supernatural, or Big Bang Theory, and yeah. You get the idea.

Basically I'm a mess.

Peace out ✌

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