Chapter 5: I See Her in a Way I've Never Seen Before (and at gym)

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All of the freshmen walked into the gym. I did not expect it to be this big. I spotted Piper, Leo and Will. I waved to them, and they waved back.

The gym teacher looked about 5'0". He was wearing a baseball cap, a bright orange polo shirt, nylon workout pants and white Nikes. There a whistle dangling around his neck. He was holding a baseball bat in one hand, and megaphone in the other.

"CUPCAKES!" He screamed into the microphone. "DROP DOWN AND GIVE ME TWENTY PUSH-UPS! GO!"

We all dropped down simultaneously. While I was doing my push-ups, I saw someone from the corner of my eye holding a teddy bear with its head cut off. He looked really creepy, since he was staring at me. I turned to my left and saw Reyna doing push-ups. Man, did she look hot. Wait, did I just think that? I turned to my right and saw Piper doing her push-ups. She was looking at me, and I took this opportunity. I winked at her, and she blushed. Reyna just rolled her eyes. In front of me was Leo Valdez, who was struggling to do even one push-up. I laughed at him.

I saw the gym teacher walking around and checking to see if we were doing our push-ups. I continued to do mine.

He walked towards Leo and said, "Looks like you're a scrawny one."

"Man, scrawny's the new sizzling hot!" He gave the teacher a thumbs up, while everyone burst out laughing.

When we were all done our push-ups, he called us to listen.

"You can call me Coach Hedge," said the gym teacher.

"Good afternoon, Coach Hedge," the class said simultaneously.

He dismissed our greeting. "Now, what games did you usually play in middle school?"

I sure hoped we were gonna play Dodgeball. I love Dodgeball. It's the greatest game to ever have been invented in the history of sports. I rose up my hand.

"In my school, we normally played Dodgeball," I piped up.

"All in favor of Dodgeball, raise your hand!" Coach called.

Thankfully, almost everyone rose their hand. The only one who didn't raise their hand up was the creepy kid with the teddy bear. He piped up.


Everyone was silent for a minute. Then, we grabbed the dodgeballs and prepped up the game.

Coach Hedge walked towards us.

"We're going to need team captains. Hedge looked at me and Will.

"You two boys. Uh, what're your names?" he asked us.

"I'm Jason Grace," I responded.

"And I'm Will Solace," he said. Will gave me a smirk. "Good luck beating my team!"

"Ha! We'll see about that!" I gave him a fist bump. "Rock, paper, scissors for first pick?" I asked him.

"You're on."

We said simultaneously, "Rock, paper, scissors!"

I showed rock, and Will showed paper. I cursed under my breath.

"Okay, so I'll get first pick." Will smiled, feeling proud. "I choose... Reyna."

Reyna walked up to him, looking seriously hot― I mean determined. Man, this sucks. Reyna's awesome at Dodgeball.

It was my turn to pick. I chose the obvious.


She came over to me, as beautiful as always. I swear I saw Will flirting with Reyna, and Reyna was flirting right back. Why am I jealous?

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