Chapter 17: The Brick vs. The Stapler

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A brick.

I fell backwards and saw ducks spinning around and around in my head... I tried to touch one of them, but I was unable to reach their hairy, yellow wings.

I opened my eyes, and there it was.

On my lap.

A beautiful, red, perfectly formed and perfectly painted brick. So perfect, so rectangular... Did I mention it's was PERFECTLY SHAPED???

Oh god, I think I'm getting off-topic.

The thought of my previous childhood memories of me being hit by bricks made me cringe. I feel like I'm cursed by those big, fat, red blocks. Basically, I despised bricks... They gave me nightmares. Ever since I was hit by a brick when I was a kid, everyone started teasing me about it. Heck, the baker, Peeta Mellark from across my street even gave me a red cake that looked like a brick. I'm not complaining though, since the cake was delicious. And he gave it to me for free.

However, there was something I found about bricks... slightly attractive. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm a normal person. Then again, what sort of normal person is sexually attracted to bricks? To inanimate objects?

Gee, don't even get me started with that stapler... I mean, since yesterday, when Thalia told me I tried to eat a stapler when I was little, I had been thinking about how much of a deranged nut I was. In fact, I've been praying and hoping that I never see another stapler for the rest of my existence. Unfortunately for me, there was a stapler on Venus' desk, just waiting for me to sink my teeth into it...

Oh no. The nightmares, the horrors...

Yeah, it's official.

Jason Grace is attracted to inanimate objects.

Aaaaaaaanyways. I'll try to get back on topic now.

I shook my head and got back to normal.

"Alright, who threw the brick?" I demanded.

I looked outside the window, and sure enough I saw a van with brightly-painted colors on it. It read, "The Brick." Like, the freaking furniture brand. I saw a man on the driving wheel shouting, "BUY YOUR FURNITURE TODAY AT THE BRICK!"

The man had looked right at me and winked. My first thought was, is he a pedophile or something?

I heard Venus murmur something like, "Oh, my gods... Mercury you stupid."

"Who's Mercury?" I asked her.

Venus looked like she had said too much. "Uhm, just... Just a family friend, I suppose."

Mercury... That name sounded so familiar, but I couldn't really grasp where I had heard it. Probably because after I got hit by the brick, I saw birds spinning on my head, and I couldn't focus at all.

Then it came to me...

If the pretty and gorgeous teacher was Venus... Oh yeah, that's right! Venus is the Roman goddess of beauty! All the puzzle pieces started to fit themselves together. Demigod, Venus... Then her tough looking boyfriend should be...



Okay, this chapter is the shortest chapter I'll ever write on here, I promise. Besides, I wrote most of it at 2 AM the other day... So my mind wasn't functioning properly.

Okay, okay. Well, SORRY the brason/stapson chapter was so short. It's haaaaard writing inanimate object shipping stories, okay? I promise to put more of Jason being an idiot in my story. Like, I had to built a BLOODY BOOKSHELF because apparently I was buying too many books and MY OLD ONE IS ABOUT TO FALL DOWN. Cut me some slack, okay?

Yeah, so my point is, the next chapter is DEFINITELY going to be longer, I promise y'all that.

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