Chapter 19: The Living Salt Shaker With Built-In Plungers and Whiskers

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"Let the battle begin," Mars boomed.

Katniss and I glared at each other, ready to fight with our all, even with the stupid dolls. Actually, now that I think about it, I kind of feel like I'm in a Pokemon episode...

All of a sudden, some weird dude wearing a purple turban rushed into the room. He screamed,


The weird guy just collapsed in the middle of the class.

There was a really, really, really awkward silence. Suddenly, all you could hear was Mars just laughing.

"That. Was. Hilarious! As if there was really a troll in the dungeon..." Mars said, and he looked like he was honestly choking to death just from all of that laughing. Venus was hitting his chest so hard just to make him stop choking, it was actually scary.

But then, I saw screaming children running up and slamming the doors screaming,

"ROBOTS. ROBOTS. THEY'RE GONNA KILL US. SOMEONE HELP!" I heard the weird teddy bear guy from gym screaming. He ran into our class, screaming like a baby.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Octavian," he responded. "BUT NAMES DON'T MATTER SINCE THERE ARE ROBOTS THAT ARE TRYING TO KILL US!" he said, with a really panicked face.

Suddenly, I saw a really big, living, silver salt shaker with a plunger and whiskers for arms.

"THAT'S what you're afraid of, you big baby?" I asked, while trying not to laugh at Octavian.

Octavian's face turned white and pale. "The robot... He killed so many people, he like, zapped them, and-"

"EXTERMINATE. EXTERMINAAAAATE!" the robot screamed, in a monotone voice. It then zapped the chalkboard, leaving it to bits. After that, everyone in the class started panicking.

Surprisingly, the only one that kept cool was Mars.

"Guys, this is perfect! You need to test your war skills! Let them be your practice dolls!" he said, grinning. "The Daleks. The perfect pop quiz!"

"That's our pop quiz? What?!! But, sir. There's one small problem. This robot is alive, FOR GOD'S SAKE!" screamed a Chinese guy. I remembered him. He was Frank Zhang, the guy who hit me with a pencil on the thigh really hard during gym.

Mars just shook his head, and I swear I heard him murmur, "Why is my son such a wimp?" I must have heard wrong. Mars looked nothing like the tall, pudgy, Chinese boy who looked scared to death.

Suddenly, Percy Jackson rushed into the room, along with a bunch of other people that I vaguely realized. To his right was none other than Annabeth Chase, who had a determined look on her face. To her right was Leo flexing his muscles (he looked ridiculous, since he was quite scrawny). To his right, I saw a girl with dark skin and wavy hair. Her hands were akimbo, and she looked like someone you would not want to mess with. Frank jumped in to her right, with an awkward smile on his face. Piper jumped to his right, with a gorgeous smile on his face. I rushed in, as if I was on cue.

Octavian was standing at the side, and he was trying not to laugh.

"Oh my god, are you being serious right now? You look like superheroes! The only things that are missing are your capes. Oh, right. And SUPERPOWERS!" Octavian couldn't hold it in. He burst out laughing.

"Really now?" Leo walked up to his face and... I shook my head. He just lit his hand. On fire. I shook my head. This isn't real, this is impossible.

Leo grinned, but suddenly frowned. "Sorry I haven't told you guys, I don't want you to freak out."

My mouth was gaping open. "Wow, Leo! I'm freaking out, but in a good way! That's epic! I mean, putting your hand on fire? What else can you do?"

Leo put his hair on fire. "Whoops. Sometimes I do that when I'm nervous... Sorry."

Percy jumped in, as if he knew what to do. He focused on Mars' waterbottle and brought it towards his hand. He opened the bottle and motioned the water to dunk on Leo's head. Percy looked at his hands.

"I... I didn't know I could do that," he said. "I mean, I've gone to aquariums and talked to fish and stuff, but I didn't know I could actually control water."

"Wait... You can talk to FISH? Why didn't you mention this, Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth said, looking the most surprised out of everyone in the room.

"I guess, I didn't want you to think I was... You know. A freak," he said, sheepishly.

"You are a freak. But you're my freak," Annabeth said, while giving him a hug. Percy blushed, and everyone started clapping, including me. Venus looked like a sea lion flapping its fins in a show in SeaWorld.

"OTP! OTP! OTP!" Venus shrieked. Annabeth let go of Percy immediately after hearing Venus shriek.

Meanwhile, in the corner of my eye, I saw an iguana. I looked around for Frank. He was gone.

The iguana looked like it was hiccuping. Suddenly, it turned into a giraffe, then a lion. The lion roared, and turned back into Frank.

"What is happening to me???" Frank said, looking worried. "My grandma said I could be anything, but I didn't think she meant it literally!"

The dark-skinned girl ran up to Frank and smiled at him. "You big dork."

Frank blushed, and looked at her. "Hazel... Your eyes match your name perfectly." Hazel gave him a big hug. In the middle of the hug, Frank turned into a bear. I guess you could say it was a... bear hug!

Venus looked like she was going to die from hyperventilating too much. Hopefully, she kept it under control.

"Alright, enough of this lovey-dovey nonsense. Kill that Dalek!" Mars grinned.


Author's Note:

I wrote most of this at 2 AM while having a Doctor Who marathon... Please forgive me.

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