Chapter 21: Puff the Magic Dragon Burns The Dalek With His Nose

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I decided to pipe in.

"I could, maybe, fly in or do something?"

Wow, Jason. Way to make yourself sound confident. Especially in front of Piper.

Leo looked at me with jealousy and surprise. "You can FLY? BRO. This changes EVERYTHING."

Frank walked in between both of us. "Excuse me, but you all are stupid. Why can't I just turn into a dragon or something and throw him away?"

Percy raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Why not?"

Annabeth intervened. "But which animal would you turn into?"

Frank shrugged. "I dunno, a fire-breathing dragon with a hard exterior, I guess?"

Annabeth nodded. "Yeah. I guess it's your turn to shine through the limelight this time. I think your dad is watching us. You, particularly." I turned around to see Mars, who was actually examining Frank.

Frank gulped and sweat trickled down from his hair through his face. "Yeah, I-I think I'll do that."

In an instant, Frank had turned into a wickedly-looking dragon. His face struggled, as if to keep his nose spewing out fire. Frank flew to the Dalek and burned it with his nose (I know, weird way to put it. But how else could I have said it?)

The Dalek burst open, with its' metal parts spewing everywhere.

"Duck!" I screamed. Everyone ducked, but I, unfortunately, got hit right on the chest. I fell down, with little visions of Daleks flying around on my head before falling unconscious.

• 20 minutes later •

I slowly opened my eyes as I saw Piper and Reyna both stroking my face, both with worried look on their faces.

"Are you okay, Jason?" the two girls asked me, simultaneously.

I groaned, while struggling to get up.

Reyna pushed down on my chest. "Don't you dare, Grace. You might have a fractured rib or something."

I decided it would be better if I didn't argue with Reyna. I laid back down on the cold, wooden floor. She smiled at me, that nice, gentle smile that had been fluttering in my back of my head that I had somehow ignored for years.

Will ran up to Reyna with a jealous look on his face. He dragged her closer to him, and they started to argue. I couldn't hear any of it, since Piper was still comforting me.

"Jason? Are you ok?" She asked me, with a gentle tone in her voice that made me want to drift away to Dream Land.

"Your lips..." I muttered. Piper smiled at me. I was tempted to kiss her, but something told me I shouldn't.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Mars rubbing Frank's head, congratulating him, while Frank blushed like a big baby. Hazel was right beside him, her grin as wide as a banana.

I laid on the floor for about 10 more minutes, and stood up, with Piper holding my hand.

Our Latin teacher, Mr. Brunner, walked into the room casually, as if nothing happened.

"May I please talk to the students?" he asked, while glaring at Mars. Mars just nodded nervously.

"Come along, children. Follow Chi- Mr. Brunner! Into a line, now," Venus smiled.

We lined up and walked out the door. Me, Piper, Reyna, Annabeth, Percy, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Will, Thalia and everyone else, except for Rachel, who walked alongside Mr. Brunner.


Whoops this chapter is short. School starts tomorrow, so yeah. I've decided to update this story every Sunday, starting the Sunday after this one.

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