Chapter 4: I'm Hungry

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Our math teacher was a really boring. In fact, he was so boring that I kept forgetting his name. Reyna and I basically yawned throughout math class. Reyna decided to talk to the girls beside her and make some friends.

I turned to the guy next to me, and I noticed that a lot of girls were staring at us. I couldn't tell if they were staring at me or him.

The guy had a surfer-body, sun-kissed hair and blue eyes. He was tall, probably about 6'0, with an athletic build. He was quite muscular.

Well, since this is high school, I decided to make a new friend.

I extended out my hand. "Dude! I'm Jason!"

The guy shook it. "I'm Will Solace."

"Math class is soooo boring!" I yawned.

"Tell me about it. I wish gym would come soon," he agreed.

"Well, since math is almost over, it's almost lunchtime. Do you wanna sit with me and Reyna during lunch?" I asked him.

Will leaned over and whispered, "Are you sure you wanna do that? Your girlfriend might get mad... Girls hate it when they invite other guys to the table."

I blushed, then immediately responded, "Reyna? Oh, she's not my girlfriend. She's just my best friend. Don't worry about it!" I grinned.

Will raised an eyebrow and replied, "I'm gonna be safe bro. Your girlfriend is glaring at me like I'm her prey." He shuddered, but then winked at her. Will leaned into my ear and whispered, "She's pretty hot, bro."

I didn't respond.

The bell rang for lunchtime.

Reyna and I walked to the cafeteria.

"Bye, Grace!" Reyna nudged me. I waved goodbye.

She sat in a table with her new friends and chatted about girl things. I saw a guy who looked to be a freshman, but he looked drunk. He was chugging his Kool-aid like it was the end of the world. I saw Percy and Annabeth from the corner of my eye and sat with them.

Percy had four slices of pizza on his plate and a bottle of Coke. He kept on muttering about how it was ridiculous that they didn't sell blue Coke. .He was gobbling his pizza so fast that I had no idea where that guy had enough space to put all that pizza in his tummy!

I also saw another athletic guy there. He looked just like the type of guy that all girls would like, with short-cropped sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, an athletic and muscular build.

"Who's that sandy dude over there?" I nudged Percy. Was this just me, or did I see a look of jealousy spread over his face?

"Oh that jerk face? That's Luke Castellan. He's a senior. Annabeth hasn't stopped talking about him since we first met. It's annoying, bro." Percy rolled his eyes.

"Okay, dude. So, what you're saying is... You're sitting beside your crush, who's sitting beside her crush and now you're jealous?" I saw Percy roll his eyes. "I feel bad for you, bro! Good luck with Annabeth!" I burst out laughing, but Percy shushed me.

"Shut up! Annabeth's right beside us!"

I shut up and turned to Annabeth's direction. I could see her flirting with Luke, and it didn't seem like she even heard that Percy and I were talking about her.

"Uh, yeah. Annabeth can totally hear us and she's totally not ignoring you and flirting with Luke Castellan," I joked. "Well, I'm gonna go now-"

"Jason! Dude! You're not just gonna LEAVE me with them, are you?" Percy pleaded. "STAY HERE I NEED YOU!"

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