Chapter 6: I Meet A Teacher Who Flirts With My Sister

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"So, uh, I'll see you after school," I said, as I waved goodbye to Reyna.

Reyna simply smiled and replied, "See you later!"

Have I always felt this way towards her? The way I felt during Dodgeball? Have I always had feelings for her? I shook my head. I need to stop thinking about this "lovey-dovey" stuff and get to art class.

I saw Piper running, trying to catch up to me, with Leo right behind her.

"Do you have art too?" I asked them.

"Yep! But I'm really bad it at," Piper admitted.

"Ha! Me too!" I laughed. Meanwhile, Leo was fiddling around with some paper.

"I like art. It's something that I'm actually pretty good at," Leo grinned as he folded the paper into a very complex-looking dragon.

"How did you do that?" I gasped.

"I dunno. I'm just good with my hands, if ya know what I mean," Leo winked at me in a playful manner. It took me a while to realize what he was implying.

"Leo!" I widened my eyes. Leo was laughing like a dying whale.

Piper shut us both up. "Boys, we've gotta get to class."

When we got to class, I was quite surprised at what I saw.

Our teacher looked pretty young, maybe in his young twenties. He had sandy hair, a bright cocky smile, and outdoorsy good looks. He was wearing a plain, white, sleeveless T-shirt, blue jeans and running shoes. In short, he looked a lot like Luke Castellan, except a few years older. I saw him wink at a punk girl with headphones on his ears. She just groaned.

"Why hello there young freshmen! I'm Apollo, and I will be teaching you art!" He grinned at us. Piper looked like she was about to faint.

"Don't we call teachers, like, Mister 'fill-in-the-blank' or something?" asked Leo.

"Nah. That makes me sound old, which I kinda am but none of you mortals and demigods know that," Apollo said. The students looked at him oddly, and he just replied, "Ah, sorry. Where was I? Oh yes. If you'd like, you can call me Mr. Fred."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fred," the class chanted simultaneously.

A beautiful lady wearing a rainbow-coloured scarf walked towards us.

"Apollo-" She pointed her finger at him.

He shook his finger. "Tsk tsk tsk. I'm Mr. Fred. Don't make the same mistake, Iris."

"Okay, Fred. I need to go to the god council- I mean meeting. I trust you'll handle the students well?" Iris rose her eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah," Apollo grinned.

"And absolutely NO flirting with the girls?" Iris glared at him. "You know how your sister hates it."

"She's my twin. She's not older than me, she can't tell me what to do," Apollo whined. "Why don't you, ah, go to the meeting? I'll take care of this."

Iris walked towards the door and shook her finger at Apollo.

"Just, don't do any funny business. That's Hermes' job," she said, walking out the door.

"I WON'T!" Apollo ran to the door and shut it. He walked towards the chalkboard again and faced us.

"Alright, class. Since today is the first day of high school, I'm going to let you all do whatever kind of art you like that represents you. It'll let all of you know who each other is, and maybe show a little bit of your thoughts and personalities." Apollo grabbed a clay model that looked beautifully designed and carved smoothly. It was a chariot flying majestically over the sun.

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