Chapter 7: I Meet Winchesters and They Say I'm a Demigod

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Leo and I walked to Drama class. I looked at the clock. It was 1:40 PM. We were a little too early. When we walked into the class, no one was there, not even the teacher.

"Bro, are we in the right room?" Leo asked me.

I looked at my schedule. "Room 666." I looked up and the door said it was Room 666. "Yep. It's the right room."

Right beside the door was a giant, creepy statue with eyes as yellow as a dandelion. Leo waved at it. I shuddered. As I looked at it, the wind started to howl.

Leo and I decided to walk into the drama room.

We explored the room and spotted huge, paperback books that were covered in dust. I took a book, coughed, blew off the dust, and started reading. Meanwhile, Leo had found another very old book and started to recite:

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.

Leo whistled. "What the hell does that mean?" He asked me. "Like, it sounds like it's in another language or something."

I shook my head and responded,

"I dunno, but it sounds like Latin."

The sound of thunder rolled in the background. I turned around. For a split second, I thought the statue moved. Leo kept reading from the book, his eyes shining with fascination.

"Ergo draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica adjuramus te—"

The wind rushed. The room started to fill with air, and the air spiraled around, throwing the book out of Leo's hands. The statue blinked its eyes and stretched its arms.

"It's been awhile since I got trapped in here," the statue grinned, but it looked really creepy.

"Who— who are you?" I stuttered.

"Me?" He flashed his eyes, and for a moment his eyes were completely yellow. "I'm a demon." Leo screamed in terror and jumped into my arms.

"You scream like a girl, bro." I winked and nudged Leo. His face flushed.

I turned towards the 'demon.' "What's your name, daisy-eyed devil child?"

"I'm Azazel. And I'm looking for someone to lead my army," he said as he flashed a wink.

"Me? Yeah, I dunno if I'd make a good leader," Leo raised an eyebrow.

Azazel rolled his eyes. "Not you, idiot." He turned towards me. "Him."

A look of confusion spread across my face. I was scared as hell, but I tried to look confident. "Why would you want someone like me to lead an army?"

"Because you're a demigod." Azazel looked at me like this was obvious information.

For a moment, memories started flashing right in front of me.

I was wearing a purple shirt, and I saw a bunch of kids that seemed vaguely familiar. I saw Reyna wearing a regal purple toga and golden armor decorated with gold medals all over. She looked beautiful. Then, I saw Piper smiling at me and glancing at Reyna, while Leo was just awkwardly whistling in the corner. I saw the freaky guy with the headless teddy bear leading a whole army. I saw Annabeth kissing Percy and then judo-flipping him, and then the both of them suddenly falling down a big, black hole of emptiness as I stood on a giant ship, doing nothing.

I shook my head in confusion. "What the hell is a demigod?"

"Didn't anyone tell you?" the demon rolled his eyes and smirked. "One of your parents is a god."

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