Chapter 12: My Stirred Up Emotions

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I looked at Piper and let go of her hand.

"I really like you, but I also really like Reyna. I'm going to see who I like more. So for now, if it's okay with you, I'm gonna try and fix my feelings for the both of you. I don't want to lose or hurt any of you," I said, while looking at Piper. She nodded, and I rushed off towards Reyna and Will.

Reyna saw me running towards her. She totally ignored me.

"Can I talk to you Reyna? Privately?" I demanded.

Reyna looked at Will and rolled her eyes at me.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" She walked towards me. Will walked towards Piper and started to discuss the math homework.

"Shoot," Reyna said, while listening.

"So, why did you get into a relationship with Will so fast?" I started.

"None of your business," she responded.

"Uh, yeah. It technically is, since you're my best friend," I responded.

"Well, I've known Will for quite a while. I was his friend during my primary years, and he was... My first crush, you could say. I saw him again, at camp in Grade 4. And also, he was the guy who I had my first kiss with." Reyna paused for a while. "But when my parents said I had to move schools in Grade 5, I never forgot him. Will was always in the back of my mind. I couldn't forget him, so I-"

I cut her off. "-used me to help yourself forget Will. Wow, Reyna. So, all those kisses. Were they even REAL?" I was starting to get mad.

"They were all real. I forgot all about Will, and I truly loved you. Heck, we'd be in a relationship now if you had simply asked, idiot!" She shouted.

"Well, I wanted to!" I protested.

"Then WHY didn't you?" Reyna screamed back.

I stayed silent because I didn't know how to answer that question. I saw tears in Reyna's eyes.

"You know what? I still like you. There, I said it. I STILL LOVE YOU, JASON GRACE!" She said, while crying. "No matter I try to forget you, even when I'm with Will, I STILL CAN'T STOP THINKING OF YOU!"

I leaned in and kissed her, a nice, full one, on the lips and whispered softly,

"I still love you, Reyna."

Reyna leaned in towards me and kissed me tenderly. I had forgotten how much of a good kisser she was (and she still is). I didn't want this moment to end. Her lips felt so soft, softer than I could ever remember them. Suddenly, Reyna pulled away from me.

"I don't think this- I don't think we should be together again," she said, with tears in her eyes. I looked at her, shocked.

"But Reyna-"

"I think you like Piper more than you like me, and I don't want my heart to be broken. Again," Reyna said, as she ran towards Will, who was laying on the grass and counting the clouds. The two of them cuddled, and I instantly felt jealous.

But I saw Piper running towards me, and my mood instantly lightened up.

"So, how was Reyna?" Piper asked me in a tender voice.

I ran to her and lifted her up. I spun her around the field. The sun shone brightly on Piper's hair, and I'd never seen her look any more beautiful.

"We're still best friends, so there's nothing to worry about," I reassured her.

"Promise?" Piper held up her pinky.

I hesitated for a while, but I held up my pinky and whispered,


I walked Piper to her house and gave her a kiss on the cheek. It was really big.

"See you tomorrow, Grace!" Piper waved as she walked into her house.

I saw a man. He walked out of the house and brought Piper in. He looked liked...

Is that...

Tristan McLean? The movie star?!!

I tried not to freak out and keep my cool.

I'll ask her about the man tomorrow, I decided.

I waved goodbye and walked to the direction of my house.

A Triangle of Mixed EmotionsWhere stories live. Discover now