Chapter 10: I Call Drew a B*tch

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I walked out of the school for about a block east to go to Forever 21.  I picked out a nice t-shirt and some shorts that would fit Piper perfectly. As I was walking to the counter, the cashier motioned for me to come towards her.

"Are those clothes for your girlfriend?" She asked me while she put the clothes in a plastic bag. I paused. I didn't want to waste any time.

"Uh, yeah. You could say that," I said, while grabbing the bag.

"So, she's not your girlfriend yet? Well, good luck trying to win her over," the cashier waved goodbye.

On the way back to school, I saw Drew, who was holding a drink from Starbucks. She was with a bunch of her friends. She turned towards me, looking surprised.

"Hey, Jasey-Gracey! What are you doing here?" she asked me while applying make-up.

"I bought some clothes for a very special girl," I responded. "What are you doing here?"

"Me and my friends just go out everyday at this time to escape science," she said. Drew took a sip of her drink.

"Are those for me?" She smiled and looked at the bag of clothes I was holding. I raised an eyebrow.

"No, it's for Piper," I said. Drew rolled her eyes.

"Oh, that bitch. She just pretends to be nice to get attention from hot guys like you. I think you shouldn't trust her, she's a pain in the ass." She winked at me.

"No offence, but aren't you just describing yourself?" I smirked.

Drew gasped. "Are you calling me a bitch?"

I stared at her right in the eye. "Yes." I walked away with a smug smile on my face.

I went back to the girls' washroom where I had left Piper.

"Piper, here are the clothes I bought," I smiled at her. I tried not to look at her beautiful, smooth skin. (Am I really that perverted, or are all boys just like that?)

She looked into my eyes.

"Thank you, Jason," was her only response. We were only about two inches away from each other. I had the urge to kiss her, but I'd be advancing on her too fast. She started to lean towards me, but I pulled my head back.

I saw Reyna walking through the hallway wearing headphones. She turned around and saw us (even Piper, who was wearing barely any clothes) and ran.

Piper changed her clothes in the washroom stall and returned to class with me. Most of the students were gone from Drama class. I saw Leo, Frank, and a few other faces I hardly recognized sitting on their desks looking confused.

We walked up to Apollo, who was on his phone checking out stuff on Twitter. He saw us and waved.

"Twitter... It is a fascinating thing, isn't it?" He said, while typing those words. He pressed enter. "Tweeted it."

I ignored his fascination towards Twitter. "Sir, where are the rest of your students?" I asked him.

"Oh, I let them go home early. I only left some of them behind," he said, smiling.

"Why us? Why did you leave us here, and not the other kids?" I demanded. "I want to go home!"

"Well, technically, school isn't over yet. And you kids are very important," Apollo grinned.

Sitting down on the desks were Leo, Frank, Annabeth, Percy, Nico, Piper, Reyna, the creepy teddy bear dude, and a girl with curly brown hair.

"Aww, man. I missed swimming for this?!!" Percy exclaimed.

"Well, at least you get to skip Math," Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"I can handle math, but I CAN'T handle sitting in desk for another hour!" Percy banged his head on the desk.

The Latin teacher, Mr. Brunner, walked into the room.

"I have gathered all of you to discuss something very important," he said, in a deep voice.

"Are we getting tacos? PLEASE tell me we're getting tacos," Leo pleaded.

The whole room was silent.

"Nope, we're not getting tacos. I knew it," Leo said, as he slumped on his chair.

Mr. Brunner turned and looked at every single one of us.

"Percy," he said, smiling at him.

"Annabeth,"  he said, his eyes darting from Percy and Annabeth. It was almost as if he wanted the two of them to be a couple. I know I ship the two of them so hard.

"Leo," he said, smirking at him. "You're not the serious type, but you're definitely very important."

"I know, I'm important. Bow down to me, for I am your Queen," Leo folded a piece of paper into a crown and wore it. I laughed.

"Piper," Mr. Brunner looked at her. "You have... interesting ways of persuasion." Piper looked at him with confusion.

Mr. Brunner walked towards Frank and looked at him in the eye. "You, Zhang. You can be anything."

Frank rolled his eyes. "That's what they all say."

"Hazel Levesque," Mr. Brunner gestured to the girl with the curly brown hair. "You will make one choice that will either make it or break it." Hazel looked at him nervously.

Mr. Brunner looked and turned towards me and chuckled.

"And you, Jason Grace. Let's just say the next choices you make won't be your most graceful." 

I groaned. How many people had to make fun of my last name? Dean already made fun of it, isn't it enough?

Mr. Brunner touched our foreheads, and after that, I didn't remember a single thing from that little meeting.

It was almost like déjà vu.

I was back in the washroom with Piper, and she was about to kiss me until I saw Reyna run.

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