Chapter 11: Girls are Confusing

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I pulled away from Piper and chased Reyna for a good full minute.

"Reyna, wait up!"

Reyna ran through the halls until she disappeared and I couldn't see her anymore. I saw a tear fall onto the ground.

"Reyna, Reyna!" I exclaimed. I was out of breath, but I kept going. I was finally able to catch up to her.

"Reyna, please," I pleaded. "Me and Piper, we don't have a thing. What you saw in there wasn't real."

"Really? She tried to freaking kiss you, Jason. Do you really think she doen't have feelings for you?"

I kept quiet.

"No," I breathed out. "It's just the first day, it's not like I've known her for a long time."

"You know what, Grace? I'm sick and tired of you falling in love with girls. I'm sick and tired of seeing you looking for that special someone when you don't even realize that she could be right in front of you. I'm so tired of seeing my best friend everyday looking at some other girl every single day," Reyna exclaimed while the tears dropped from her face. "I'm fucking tired of YOU, Jason!"

Those words struck me hard. I tried to wipe her tears off, but she pushed my hand away.

"I know I'm protective, but I have that right, since I'm your best friend. And you know what? I'm scared for you, Grace. You're gonna get your heart broken if you keep falling in love that easily," Reyna said, as she glared at me. She ran off.

"Reyna. Reyna! Reyna, wait!" I chased after her again, but she ran too fast for me. Pretty soon, she was out of my sight.

I looked back and I saw Piper was behind me, wearing the clothes I had just bought her. She caught up to me and held my hand.

"Have you ever had feelings for her?" Piper looked at me with concern.

"No! She's just my friend. I've never thought of her as someone more than that," I blurted. I wasn't lying, but this didn't mean that Reyna didn't hold a special place in my heart.

"But what if she feels that way towards you?" Piper asked me.

I had never considered that. The truth smacked me hard in the gut. Could it be true?

Did Reyna like me?

I thought about the time when I sat with Piper during lunch, and I saw Reyna flash a look of jealousy towards my direction. I thought of the rivalry I saw between Piper and Reyna during gym.

Was all of that because of me?

I shook my head. Reyna had told me earlier that she and the other girls were gossiping about Percy. And when I had made eye contact with her during gym, she just hit me hard on the leg and mentioned something about boys being predictable. I remembered Will putting his arm around her shoulders, and Will lifting her up in joy as they praised her for being the Dodgeball Queen. I remembered being jealous of her as she smiled at Will.

I shook my head and thought to myself,

Girls are confusing.

My train of thought was cut as I heard Piper trying to restrain her laughter.

"You look like you're constipated."

I looked at Piper. "I can say the same thing for you."

Piper brought out her mirror and looked at herself. She blushed.

"We're a hot, constipated mess," Piper exclaimed. We both burst out laughing.

The bell rang. It was time to go home. Kids were running out of the hallways. They crowded with their group of friends.

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