Chapter Thirteen: Run Away Love

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     "What am I going to do now? Zach will freak if he finds out.

There is only one way to solve all of this, I am going to have to run away from home, even though I swore I would never do such a thing," I said to myself, feeling worried.

I decided I was going to leave the next day, I wanted to spend time with my little sister, for it may be the last time I ever see her.

I then sent a text message to Zach, telling him to meet me tomorrow at the Peach Island Hotel, down by Auburn Hills.

I then heard the front door slam shut, I'm guessing Norah, Aziz and Khalil finally left.

I slowly crept down the stairs.

As I made sure the guests were gone, I sat on the sofa next to Manal, with both of my parents sitting on the opposite side.

I started gazing at the television.

My dad began speaking to my mom, seeking my attention.

"So, Khalil seems like a nice guy. We knew one day we would celebrate our daughter's wedding, and I believe that day is near,"

I let out a deep breathe of anger as my father finished his sentence.

Jamal, coming out of the kitchen, joined in on their conversation. "Yea, he's very nice. He's also a dentist dad,"

"What do you think Mariam?" Jamal asked me.

"I think they came at the wrong time because I don't want to marry him or anyone else. I just want to focus on college," I sighed and got up to go back upstairs but my father stopped me.

He got up and grabbed me by my right arm tightly with his right hand. With his left hand, he grabbed a tight grip of my hair. "Listen up, did you think I forgot about your little Christian friend? You're going to drop out of college and marry Khalil whether you like it or not, you got that?" he let go of me by throwing me onto the floor.

I felt very dizzy as I tried to balance myself up. I hurt my elbow pretty badly because of our hardwood floors.

Tears streamed down my face as I ran up to my room. I slammed the door and locked it.

I opened my closet and threw my duffle bag onto my bed.

With tears overflowing, I gathered my clothes and stuffed them into the bag.

When I was finally done packing, I placed my duffle bag under my bed.

I got in bed because I had no where else to go.

Although, sleep was no where near. I spent the rest of the night planning my escape route. My eyes finally shut slowly and I slept.

+ +

I decided to wake up at six o'clock, before everyone else wakes up.

I got up and stared at myself in the mirror. "Am I doing the right thing?" I asked myself. Well, I have no other choice, I don't want to marry anyone else besides Zachary.

I put on a pair of jeans and a red jacket. I grabbed my cell phone as I put on my ankle boots. I reached under my bed and pulled out my duffle bag.

"Good-Bye." I waved to my room as I slowly opened my door and walked downstairs.

I slowly closed the front door and headed towards my car. I then drove off to what could be a new beginning.

I decided to blow off some steam.

I went to a coffee shop near the ocean side.

I parked my car and sat in a chair witnessing the day's beautiful weather.

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