Chapter Thirty: Inevitable Love

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"Doctor, please fill me in. How is Mariam? What's going on?" Nancy begged the doctor for clarity.

"I'm so sorry, I don't have time to explain right now. When the results come in we will notify you but we believe she might be at risk of loosing her baby." The doctor explained very quickly right before she power walked back into the exam room.

"Why is all this happening?" She asked herself as she let out a sigh of frustration and stress.

Issa, being aware of his surroundings, waits patiently for Mariam to finally be alone.

+ +

"Where is my money?" Aziz punches a man with a bloody face while he is tied down to a chair.

"I swear, I'll pay you back, just give me more time," the man begged.

"Was five months not enough to pay me back? You think you can just steal from me and get away with it?" Asiz slaps him this time.

"I, I have a wife and kids. Please let me go, I will pay you I swear," the man weeped.

"Where are you going to get twenty thousand dollars from? Are you going to steal from someone else? You know the rules and I trusted you. This warehouse is my home, and you are an intruder. No one disrespects, NO ONE!" Aziz pulled a gun out of the back of his pants and shoots the man leading the bullet to land straight into his forehead.

"Clean this up, now." Aziz commanded one of his employees.

"Yes sir." He acted in response.

Aziz walked out of the mysteriously dark bloody room and went down the steps that lead him to his illegal goods.

"Is this the new shipment?" Aziz asked another employee as he scanned several bagged heroine.

"Yes sir, Sanchez sent these. He wants fifty thousand by tomorrow,"

"Tell Sanchez he can kiss my ass, I lost twenty thousand because of the piece of shit guy he sent over. Tell him we're even,"

"You know what else..." Aziz initiated as he was cut off by someone, "We need to talk." The man badgered.

"We'll finish this later, get back to work," he told his employee.

"What is it? I didn't hire you for nothing Lennie," Aziz inquired.

"We, we almost had him. I swear I was going to..." Aziz outrageously slapped Lennie with the back of his palm.

"You leave right now and you find that son of a bitch. If you dare show your face around here again without finishing the job you are dead. DO YOU HEAR ME?" He roared.

"Yes, yes sir."

+ +

"Something's not right," Sheryl pointed out.

"I know, but I can't figure it out," Archie replied while sighing in frustration as they sat in Sheryl's work office.

"I just haven't been on my best behavior lately. I haven't been able to focus on work since my husband's disappearance, its just not like him to do such a thing," she sighed.

There was a rapid knock on the door. "Come in," she accepted.

"I found something," Sheryl's partner said as he walked in and placed a folder onto her desk.

"What is it?" She wondered in concern.

Her partner then opened the folder, "The dental records don't match Zachary Spencer's, there's no possible way the body is his,"

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