Chapter Twenty Five: Happy Never After

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     "Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in..." Jamal paused in anger as he walked into the cabin and realized his hostages had escaped.

"I leave for a few minutes and dumb and dumber make a run for it. Great, this is just amazing," he pulled a silver gun out the back of his pants.

"Well, you two just dug your own graves," he weirdly looked at his gun and walked out of the cabin.

+ +

"I can't, I can't do this," Marcel stopped running as he placed his hand on a tall frozen tree.

"Come on, you can do this, just rely on me," Zach grabbed his arm and put it around his shoulder as he got a good grip of him and continued walking.

"You love your kids?" Zachary asked him.

"Of course, my kids are my everything. I would do any.." Marcel began coughing very badly.

"Anything for them," he completed his sentence.

"I'm sure your kids love you too, and so does Sheryl. You have to do this for them, you have to keep going,"

"If theres anything I learned from being in the military, it would be to except death and not run away from it. If my time comes now, I will have no choice but to go," he began coughing again as his eyes began rolling upwards.

"Are you okay? Get up, you cannot quit now, get up,"

Marcel began breathing slower and slower.

"I lost too much blood and I'm freezing, I won't make it,"

"No, I refuse to let you give up. Your kids still need you, Sheryl still needs you. You have an amazing wife, she never quit on trying to save me and my family, I cannot quit on hers,"

Zach pulled Marcel up and placed both of his arms around his shoulders and began walking as Marcel's feet dragged across the snow.

+ +

"You think you guys are slick, you think you can run away from me? How smart of you two to leave tracks of footsteps and blood behind," Jamal bent down on one knee.

"I will find you two, and you will both die," he stuck his hand into the snow.

As he was getting up, he heard a sound coming from nearby.

"You two just might die now," Jamal smiled as he rushed over to hide behind a tree.

The sound got louder and louder.

"Come home to papa," Jamal pulled his gun out and began aiming towards the sound of footsteps.

As the sound got closer, Jamal placed his finger on the trigger.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat brought.. Wait, is that.."

"Jamal? Is that you?" Usman appeared as the hard breeze of wind cleared the fog between them.

"Uncle, oh my god," he put his gun away.

"I thought you were Zach,"

"Why would you think that?" Usman asked as Jamal gave a blank face.

"Where the hell is Zachary Spencer?" He dropped the bags that he was carrying.

"He was able to escape,"


"I left the cabin for a few minutes and he was gone by the time I got back. Theres another man as well, come on, we have to go, I'll explain everything on the way," Jamal picked up the bags that were on the ground.

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