Chapter Fourteen: The Rejection

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     As I woke up the next morning, I noticed something looked different about my room.

My phone wasn't on my night stand, and my door was gone. "WHAT THE HELL?" I blurted out.

My dad showed up after hearing my loud outburst, "Do you like the changes I've made?" He looked at me in pity.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked as I rolled out of bed.

"You almost ruined our whole family's reputation, what do you expect me to do?"

I stomped my way out towards the bathroom.

{Weeks later}
(Zachary's pov)

I haven't seen or heard from Mariam in weeks, what am I supposed to do?

As I was on my way to class, I ran in to Mariam's friends.

"Hello ladies, any news from Mariam? She isn't returning my phone calls and I haven't seen her in about a month." I let out a deep breath of resentment.

All three girls looked back and forth at each other in hindrance. Arwa broke the silence, "Oh my god, Zach I'm so sorry. This is terrible, you have no clue whats going on." She panicked.

"What happened? Is Mariam okay? Is she hurt? Tell me please!" I floundered.

"She's okay, but things have alternated dramatically since you've last seen Mariam. She isn't the same person anymore." Jasmine sighed.

"Is this a joke, because I have no time to waste," I commenced as Arwa cut me off, "Mariam is getting married this saturday." She elucidated.

"But, but we love each other. How can she do this to me? Wait a minute, she's being forced isnt she?" I asked anxiously.

I understood everything from the way the girls overlooked one another.

"It's complicated. If she doesn't marry him, she will have relentless ramification." Jasmine proclaimed.

"What type of consequences?." I asked in perplexity.

"Sorry, that information is confidential. I have said enough." Jasmine persisted on not telling me anything else.

In fear, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called her. There was still no answer.

"Today is tuesday, I have thirty six hours to come up with a plan." I said impulsively.

{Three days later...}
(Third person pov)

"Honey, why aren't you getting dressed?" Nancy inquired Mariam.

"In a minute mom," she said looking down in guilt.

She got herself ready for prayer and pulled out her prayer rug, to ask god for his guidance and patience. "Allah Akbar." she set in motion.

Her mom lumbered back in with festivity and prosperity, for it was her first daughter getting married.

She placed the sparkly white puffy wedding gown on Mariam's bed and ambulated back out of the room.

As Mariam was finishing her prayer, she held her hands out and prayed to god, "God, please forgive me for I have sinned. I have fell in love with a Christian man and caused many problems upon my family. I promise, from now on, I will maintain a clean reputation and I will not let anyone down. Please give me happiness, even though I know it will never occur. Please give me patience for I will need it. I hope Zachary will be able to move on with his life, as I am trying to do so." She said as the tears rushing abundantly.

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