Chapter Twenty Eight: Lost

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            As James had just sat down at the dinner table with his wife Alexandra and daughter Lilly, their house phone rang.

"I'll get it," Alexandra insisted.

"Hello," she answered.

"Hi, is this the household of James Spencer?" Sheryl asked on the other line.

"Yes, one second please," she placed the phone down.

"Honey, its for you," she sat back at the dinner table as James had just stuffed his mouth with food.

As he began wiping his mouth, he quickly went over to the phone.

"Yes, this is James speaking,"

"Hey James, it's me Sheryl,"

"Is everything okay?" He worried.

"Its Zachary,"

"Whats wrong?" He panicked. "Is he okay?" He added.

"I'm so sorry James, but he passed," she explained though she felt choked.

"What? No, this, this cannot be true. I mean, how did this happen?" He began to tear up.

"Honey, is everything okay?" His wife walked towards him.

"Please come down to the station and then I will explain everything,"

"I'll, I'll be there right now," he hung up the phone and placed his palm over his heart as he began feeling chest pains.

"Oh no, are you okay?" His wife rushed and grabbed him.

"Zach," he said softly.

"Is he okay?"

"He's, he's gone. ZACH IS GONE!" He screamed as he pulled the white cloth that held the dishes filled with food, breaking every glass that hit the floor.

"Honey go to your room," Alexandra steered Lilly up the stairs.

"Is everything okay? What, what's wrong with uncle Zach?" Lilly began questioning.

"Nothing, uncle Zach is fine sweetie now go to your room," her mother demanded.

"I love you daddy," she ran over to hug James.

"I love you too sweetie," he placed his arms around her.

"Go now," Alexandra looked at Lilly and pointed towards the stairs.

"Please calm down James, it's all going to be okay," she placed her arm over his shoulder.

"NO! NO! NO!" He began banging his fist on the wall.

"Please, stop this," she begged.

"I, I have to call my parents. Its better they hear it from me," he took his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed his mother's number.

"Hey, mom," he tried to clear his voice.

"Hi son, is everything okay?" His mom wondered.

"Yea, everything is, is great mom, but I have some bad news,"

"Whats wrong?" She panicked.

"Its, its," James' breathing got even heavier as he collapsed to the floor.

"James, James?" His mother called out.

"JAMES!" His wife shrieked.

+ +

"How are you feeling?" A nurse asked Mariam as she lied in the same hospital bed she had just left hours ago.

Mariam showed no attention to the nurse as she was still in shock. All she could do was stare blankly at the ceiling.

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