Chapter 4

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When we arrived back home Cassidy dragged me straight up to my room.  As soon as the door shut behind me Cassidy turned around and screamed.  Her eyes were lit with joy and excitement.  "I can not believe that the Grier's are staying with you for the whole summer!  It is like a dream come true for both of us."  Cassidy screamed at me.

"I know it is amazing isn't it."  I said with a smile plastered on my face.

"And it is so obvious that Hayes likes you.  He would not stop staring at you the whole car ride home."

I blushed because I guess I kind of like him, but I knew she was just saying that because she knew that Hayes has always been my favorite vine boy.  How could you not like him with his perfect brown hair, his sense of humor, and of course his beautiful gleaming blue eyes.  He was amazing.

Cassidy could see that I was daydreaming.  She punched my arm hard enough for me to end the daydreaming.  "We should watch a movie now." I suggested.  

"Sounds great, but why don't we invite Hayes and Nash to come up and watch it with us," Cassidy said with a smirk on her face.  I agreed and we walked downstairs to go ask Nash and Hayes if they wanted to watch the movie with us.


When we got back to Ali's house, her and Cassidy went right up to Ali's room.  I could hear someone scream and knew that it was Cassidy.  She seemed a little obsessed with me and Nash.  

We headed downstairs to where we were staying.  Our mom and Ashley were still out with Sky and Ali's younger sister Claire who was also 4, so it was just me Nash, Ali and Cassidy.  Nash was just standing in the door way with a small grin on his face.  "So what do you think about Ali?" Nash asked me.

"She seems nice." I said trying to play it cool.  She was more then nice though.  She was amazing.  I didn't want to tell Nash this because I knew he would think it would be weird because I only met her today.

"Dude, I saw the way you were looking at her.  I know you think she is more then nice.  Wait, you like her don't you." Nash said with a grin on his face.

"Ok, ok I may kind of like her, but I only just met her.  I don't even know anything about her yet.  How about Cassidy though she seems to be into you."  I said.

"Ya does seem to be into me but I mean she's 13, but she does look pretty old for her age and she is really pretty.  The way her long brown hair flows down her back, and her smile is out of this world." Nash said.  He seemed like he was starting to like Cassidy.  "Well why don't we let you and Ali get to know each other a little better." Nash suggested.  We were about to walk upstairs when Ali and Cassidy walked down.

"Hey do you guys want to watch a movie with us?"  Ali asked with a smile.  She had the cutest smile.  Ali had braces on, but her teeth were perfect and so was her smile.  

"Sure that sounds great,"  Nash said.  "What movie will we be watching.  

Cassidy suggested the movie Carrie.  We all agreed except Ali.  "Come on Cass, you know I hate horror movies."  Ali whined.

"Please just this one time then we can do what you want after. Ok?"  Cassidy said.

"Fine, but I am going to have my eyes closed the whole movie."  Ali said.

We all went up to Ali's room and sat on her bed.  Luckily it was a king size bed, so we all fit.  Ali and Cassidy sat down in the middle, I sat next to Ali and Nash sat next to Cassidy.  The movie had just started and Ali already had her face covered with her hands.  It was cute that she was so scared of this.

It was half way through the movie now and I could see that Ali was really scared at this point.  I put my arm around her for comfort which made her jump because she was so scared of the movie.  When she saw that it was just me she buried her head into my shoulder so she wouldn't have to look at the movie anymore.

She was perfect.

Cassidy and Nash seemed to be enjoying the movie, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of Ali the whole time.  

When the movie was over I still had my arm around Ali and Nash and Cassidy gave me a weird look because of it.  I don't think she minded though because she didn't move.  "Ok we watched the movie, now it is my turn to choose what to do."  Ali said.  

"Ok what do you want to do then." Nash asked.

"How about we play truth or dare."  Ali suggested.  We all agreed and sat in a circle.  "Ok, Cassidy you go first."  Ali said.

"Ok truth or dare Hayes?" 


"What do you think about Ali?"  It was kind of a vague question but I knew how to answer it. I was just scared to .

"I think she's beautiful."  I mumbled.  I think Ali heard because she was blushing.

"Awe how cute." Nash and Cassidy said in unison.  

"Ok my turn.  Nash truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare." Nash said.

"Ok I dare you to kiss Cassidy."

"Dude she is your age."

"Actually no she's not.  She is a year older than me."  Ali said.

"Well ok then." Nash said with a smile and kissed her.  It lasted a bit longer than expected.  I cleared my throat getting their attention and they stopped.  Cassidy was blushing and Nash had a smile on his face. 

"Well that was something wasn't it." I said and we all laughed.  We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing and just getting to know each other a little better.

Our moms got home later than we expected.  It was almost 11:00 by the time they arrived home.  Sky and Claire were out cold and were carried to bed.  "Sorry we were so late, Ashley was showing me and Sky around town and we went shopping, the next thing we knew it was 10:00.  What were you guys up to."  Elizabeth asked us.

"Just watching movies and talking.  By the way it is nice to meet you Elizabeth."  Ali said.

"Well it's getting late.  We are heading to bed now but you guys can stay up later if you want to.  Just don't be to loud."  Ashley said.

We watched two more movies after that.  Ali was cuddled up to me the whole time and I could see her start drifting off to sleep.  My eyes also got heavy and soon sleep took over me as well.

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