Chapter 5 Skyquake

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Faith POV

"Decepticons. It is with deep sorrow that I note for the long. Megaron spark had been distinguishing" Starscream said trying to sound like he was sad but I notice on his face a smirk like he wanted this to happen from the start.

"All held Starscream" he said making my blood boil in angry. I felt my left eye start to sting for no reason. Soundwave saw me holding my eye with one of my hands in pain. A question mark appears on his visor asking if I was okay.

"I'm okay Soundwave just feeling weird in my eye" I said leaning on his helm. I then felt my eye start to glow but thanks to the eye patch no one could see it.

"Will now that Lord Megatron is no longer here. I think I might just kill his useless human he brought aboard the ship. We don't even have a use to it so why not end her life right now" Starscream said and then point his blaster at me. My eyes wide but then before Starscream could shot me Soundwave move so he was now on the way of the blast.

"Soundwave what in the name of Primus are you doing" Starscream asked.

I look at Soundwave then saw in his visor something move.

"Soundwave I call you here so you could know that you are going to be guarding Faith at all cost even if am not here" he replay one of Lord Megatron voice. Surprising me that Lord Megatron was concern for my sake. I hear Starscream growl.

"Find the human will stay" he said and turn around.

Soundwave then turns around and start to walk over to Lord Megatron quarters and now mine. When he got there he set me down in front of the large room. I then saw him hand me some kind of remote with his tentacle. It was the size of one of my fingers. It then wrapped around my arm like a bracelet.

"What is this for" I asked.

"To open any kind of door from the Decepticons warship" Soundwave replied with Lord Megatron voice.

"Thank you Soundwave" I said.

I saw him nod so he stood up and left. I then turn around and press the bottom on the bracelet remote so the door will slid open. It did and I walk in. I start to walk over to the human size room Lord Megatron command for the Vehicons to build for me. I walk inside and head over to the bed. I didn't change clothes. I was feeling so empty inside for some kind of reason. Like I just lost the most important thing in the world.

I couldn't go to sleep. Something didn't let me go so I then stood up and left my room. I was now in the larger room which was Lord Megatron bedroom. I saw the bed so I walk over to it. I climb up and then just lay down in the middle of it. As I was laying there I smell the smell of Lord Megatron there and some of his warm like he was still here. I felt a tear go down my eye.

I decided to get some sleep and I'll think about this tomorrow. I close my eyes but my mind always wanders off to Lord Megatron. Dark then consume me with my mind all over Lord Megatron.

Time Skip

I woke up by my phone getting a text. I pick it up and saw a text from an unknown number.

"Huh who in the world will this be" I asked myself. I open up the text and it said.

'Faith wake up it's morning already I'm going to picking you up in 30 minutes'

From: Soundwave

"How in the world did Soundwave get my phone number. Will he did give me the phone so. Oh well I have to add him to my contact so next time I know who texts" I said and add him to my contacts as Soundwave.

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