Chapter 26 Rescue And Recovery

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Megatron POV

I was waiting in the control room for Dreadwing to come back. Soundwave told me that Breakdown spark when offline so it means that the mission didn't go as plan. I growl in anger. Some minutes pass and Dreadwing came back. He passes the ground bridge but there was no Breakdown meaning that he indeed went offline. But then Faith didn't come through the ground bridge either so I got worried.

"How did the mission go and what happened to Breakdown and Faith" I asked.

"Sorry my Lord but the mission was a failure Airachnid escape and like I know that you already found out Breakdown went offline" Dreadwing said. I then got worried about Faith.

"Okay now tell me where is Faith" I asked worry running down my back just waiting for the worst.

"Sorry my Lord but I was unable to locate her. Like I was unable to locate Breakdown body"

"What do you mean you were unable to find her speak up Dreadwing" I demand.

"Like I said our mission was a failure and Airachnid escape. Breakdown offline and then I tried to look for Lady Faith but didn't find her anywhere in sight" Dreadwing said. I growl then turn to Soundwave.

"Soundwave try calling her" I said. He nods then start to call her. It rings but she didn't answer getting me more worry than I was already.

"Damn it!" I yell then hit the table that was on my left.

"Lord Megatron do you think that Airachnid took her" Dreadwing said.

"If she dares to touch my sweet Faith I'm going to rip her spark out with my own hands!" I yell in anger. I was so worried about Faith. Where was she. Did Airachnid capture her. Is she still alive. All this different question pop into my head. As I was thinking about Faith we got a call from someone.

"What is it" I asked then turn to look at the computer who Soundwave had already answer the call. I saw that it was Airachnid.

"Hear from Breakdown or Faith lately" she asked.

"Trace the communication" I demand to Soundwave in which he did and start to trace it.

"Megatron really you send simple henchman and a useless human to terminate a high ranking officer. I thought you reserve that honor for yourself" she said.

"Is that a challenge" I asked.

"An invitation. And since Soundwave is no doubt tracing the signal you know where to find me and maybe find you sweet mate as well.....alive" she said then the call ended. I growl the turnaround.

"I would be back" I said.

"Aloud me to accompany you" I hear Dreadwing asked. I then turn around to face him.

"You already had your chance" I said then took my lead to go and find Faith.

'Please Faith be okay' I thought.

Faith POV

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is Airachnid face. I yell then move back wad but that just made me fall down from the rock I was laying at. I cried in pain once I made contact with the ground so I then look at my side and saw blood all over my clothes. I saw that the blood was coming from where Airachnid had stabbed me.

"It's just amusement to see a human scared" I hear Airachnid said. I then try to move my hands but then notice that my waist and hand wrapped with Airachnid web not letting me move.

"Don't worry I just woke you up so you could see how my Insecticon finish you beloved leader" she said then I see a large bot like the size of Lord Megatron come out from behind her. I then see it go up to the top of the rock. I  turn my gaze to Airachnid who then pick me up and brought me to her face. My vision was still a little blurry because of the loss of blood and felt like I could fall back to uncousenese.

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