Chapter 46 Final Battle

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Faith POV

"Lord Megatron Predaking is on a rampage and moving rapidly toward the..." we heard a drone said through the comm but then it was cut short by a shot.

We all look at each other then Lord Megatron order us to followed and confront the beast.

"Are you sure confronting the beast is the best option Lord Megatron" Starscream asked. As crazy as it sounds I was with him in this one.

"We shall see how his majesty reacts against the most powerful weapon in our volt. The Dark Star Saber" Lord Megatron said but then we all stop on our track as we pass this hallway and a Vehicon was thrown in our direction. We all turn our gaze to see who had done it and saw a furious Predaking standing there.

"Megatron!" Predaking yelled.

"I will just go fetch that little something we talk about" Knockout said then run off like always. I roll my optics then turn to look at Predaking once again.

"Is it true that you order the annihilation of my army" Predaking asked.

"Indeed and my only mistake was not seen the extermination trough" Lord Megatron replied as he walks forward and pushes me toward Starscream side so I won't get in the fight. He then took his hidden blade out really to fight while Predaking ready his claws.

"Please, Predaking don't" I whispered. Predaking had been a great friend and now I will watch as he is eliminated.

Predaking ignores my pleads and launch himself at Lord Megatron. As they fought I tried to get between the fight but Starscream grabs my servo and stops me from moving forward. The fight looks like Lord Megatron was losing. They battle on a hand lock trying to push each other. I then saw Starscream arm were he had his rockets. I raise one of his arms so it would be pointing at Predaking and close mu optics. I think Starscream got the message because he then fire. I heard screaming of pain from Predaking then metal hitting metal. Then there was this force that was sucking us out. Starscream grabs my servo while he grabs himself so we won't be pulled. I open my optics and the last thing I saw was Lord Megatron shooting Predaking and he went flying through an open hatch. Starscream then lets go of whatever he was holding and run to shut the hatch down. Once the hatch was close I immediately jump into my Lord arms tears rolling down my face as I was scared that I could have lost him.

"Bravo, my Liege. It is lovely day one will witness the extinction of a species all over again" Starscream said. Lord Megatron nod as he stroke my helm and lay a sweet kiss on my lips to calm me down.

"One ultimate weapon coming right up" I heard Knockout said as he enters the room that we were at.

"A little late if you asked me" I mumble.

"Where is tall, dark, and scary" Knockout asked.

Then out of nowhere, there were alarms going off.

"Report" Lord Megatron order.

"Lord Megatron. The ship is under attack by the Autobots" a drone replied through the comm.

"But the Warship is clock. How is that possible" Starscream asked.

"Ratchet lives" I replied

"Mobilized weapons means of our forces. The Omega Lock must be defended at all cost" Lord Megatron ordered as he walks out the door that just slides open.

"If Optimus Prime wishes to wage a battle for the fate of both Earth and Cybertron then I should oblige him. This will be our last stand" Lord Megatron said then began to walk away.

"Lord Megatron wait" I called out as I run up to him. He stops and turns to look at me.

"What is is Faith" Lord Megatron asked.

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