Chárter 39 Bone Hunting Part 2

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Faith POV

Will am outside on Predacon back watching Starscream struggle to get Predaking inside.

"You miserable beasts I am your commanding officer and I order you to crawl into your kennel now!" Starscream shouted out of frustration at Predaking.

Predaking just growled and looked away leaving Starscream to vent his anger.

"I said go already!" Starscream yelled as he hit Predaking with a short metal rod that shoots electricity out.

"Starscream what in the name of the Allspark are you doing" I asked but was too late. Predaking roared in his face and shot fire from its mouth and Starscream ducked to avoid being signed complete. Instead, the blast only heated up the red piece on the seeker's helm which he freaks out while trying to cool it down.

"See what I mean" I asked with a smirk.

Starscream growled and glared at me and at Predaking. The mech's next method which was using a special relic to assist him was something you decided was even worse.

Predaking was now curled up outside but with a roof over his helm. I scratched its neck with a smile growing on my face. Predaking purred to my touch. Suddenly I heard loud and angry steps coming toward us. I turn around only to find that Starscream had returned with the Apex Armor.

"Okay now in you go!" Starscream yelled pointing at the entrance. Predaking then stood up. I quickly move to the side so I won't get hurt in what was about to come.

"Do your worst the Apex Armor is virtually AAHH!!" Starscream started but was cut off when Predaking picked the armored mech up with his mouth and swung him side to side like a chew toy.

I was laughing my ass up seeing Starscream live to his name. He screams and screams as he was thrown around. Predaking finally then threw him to the wall where he crashes then drop to the floor.

"Starscream are you with the Beast" I hear Lord Megatron come through Starscream communicator.

"Yes, Master. We've been reviewing attack maneuvers. He's doing quite well" Starscream said sarcastically.

"Yeah, attack maneuvers Screamy" I said. I saw him glare at me then he stood up from the ground.

"One of the excavation teams has failed to report in" Lord Megatron said.

"I shall assemble my seeker Armada immediately and..." Starscream started but was cut off.

"I would prefer that you lead our newly returned asset on this mission so that we may see if our Predacon is as adept at fetching bones as it is hunting Autobots" Lord Megatron said.

"Will it seems that duty calls Starscream" I said. I then walk over to the Predaking who lowers his head so I could get on it.

"Wait how is it that he listens to you and not me" Starscream complained.

"Starscream a tip for the future. Be nicer and nice things will happen to you" I said. Predaking then began to take off with me still on his head.

I saw Starscream and a pair of Vehicons began to follow. We then began to fly to the coordinates that they gave us. I saw up ahead the same ship that the Autobots use to get rid of Predaking.

"Starscream take guard outside Predaking and I go will go inside" I said through the comm-link. I didn't wait for a replied and Predaking and I flew down to the cave entrance. We land just in front of it.

"Ready Predaking. King of the Predacon" I asked. He road and got ready.

"Will then let's go!" I yelled. He road then enter the cave while shaking the place valiantly. I hold myself on Predaking neck while taking cover for any falling rock.

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