Chapter 1 My Horrible Life

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How she looks

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How she looks

Faith POV

Hello, my name is Faith Rose. I'm a 17-year-old girl that lives on a town name Greenland.  I have long white and purple hair with two color eyes. One is blue and the other one is purple.

How could I put it so you guys could understand. You see I hate my life with a passion.

My Mother died when she gave birth to me. Leaving me with my abusive Father.

I always get bully at school. Adults pick on me. They hit me. Throw things at me. They even called me names like monster and freak.

I hate everyone at Greenland because no matter what I say everyone just doesn't like me and treats me like I'm a freak because of my rare color eyes and my rare hair color.

Teachers at school look at what other students do to me but they never go over to help me out. They just laugh and watch me get beaten by other students. Other people outside of school are the same. I get yelled or hit by things. I never get help from no one. They only laughs when they see me begging for mercy in which I never get from any living human in Greenland.

So, now you know why I hate my life. I hate people and I hate this world. I sometimes wish that I could die then maybe I could be at peace, but if I died then what good will that brings me. If I never got revenge on those who never cared to help.

Well, I already talk so much about myself let me tell you a story. A story where I meet someone that changed my life forever. Thanks to that someone I was given a reason to live once more.

"FAITH! WAKE THE DAMN UP YOU STUPID BRAT!!" I hear my Father yelled.

I groan in pain once he kicked me on the stomach. I opened my right blue eye to see my Father standing in front of me with a beer in his hand.

"I'm...u...up Father. Sorry for making you come all the way up to my room to wake me up" I respond with my head touching the floor. He then growled and kicked me in the face making me hit the wall with a large 'BANG'.

"You damn brat. I didn't come here so you could wake up for school. I came here so you could get your sorry ass up and make me breakfast. Next time don't make me come all the way here again because next time you be walking to school with a broken leg" he threatened me before leaving room.

If you could even call it a room. The room wasn't that big either way. I sleep on the floor with just a blanket for a cover. Using a sweater as a pillow. My clothes which are not much were on a old box in the corner of this room. I didn't have much in the room. Just the box with this blanket. I also have a  half of a soap and a cup of shampoo for maybe four washes until I have to sneak out to my Dad's bathroom to grabbed some more. I have a toothbrush and some paste. So, not the best room in the world.

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